Sundas 24. Eleint 10 AC

Vengance and a Burial

by Shamyhr yhl Jehir-Ymbaroul Orion Salicar Ybn Balaur Yhl-Duryadh

After Salvador killed my friends, leeaving nothing but pools of crimson, I attacked my uncle. I vigorously fought him singel-handedly, but his new power was potent and he owerpowered me. Then after my defeat, Daegon, the chain devil tortured me. He used every tool imaginable. but I showed no weakness or signs of pain. He interogated me endlessly. Minutes became hours Hours became days and nights. He questioned me about the identities of Lander, Grimm and Bennet. Who they were, and what they meant to me. when he grew bored he threw me of a cliffside. i was barely conssious and i had metal rods jammed in me. they lef me for dead.
They came to me from Docroft, Evenwood and Frankstad. They died protecting men, women and children who will never know their names. It is for me to remember them, to tell their story. My family, my brothers, my sister. I shall never see their lika again.

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  1. A Spark of Adventure
    Fredas 15. Eleint. 10 AC
  2. Darkest Hour
    Fredas 22. Eleint 10 AC
  3. Vengance and a Burial
    Sundas 24. Eleint 10 AC
  4. Curious Begiinnings
    Middas. 13 Eleint 10 AC