Darkest Hour by Orion | World Anvil
Fredas 22. Eleint 10 AC

Darkest Hour

by Crown Prince Orion Aurixen

Today I bring terrible news.
Shortly after defeating HĂșndark's arachnid monstrosity, we realised that a doppleganger hand taken HĂșndark's form and we had been fooled. Before we had any time to react we were teleported to HĂșndark's hideout. We woke caged to a depressing spectacle. An Infernal altar lit with candles . My uncle then revealed himself holding the pouch containing Salvador Bronson's ashes. he brough forth an angel he had killed and a blue glass-icosagon. And so the ritual starteded. i tried to interupt, but it was to no awail. And so Salvador Bronson was resurected. Bronson rewarded my uncle's "lojalty" and "devotion" by infusing him with the remnants of Salvadors fiendish magics. The lich the noticed me an my struggle. with a snapp of his fingers he turned my combusted my friends, leaving nothing but pools of blood.

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  1. A Spark of Adventure
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  2. Darkest Hour
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