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Sun 20th Feb 2022 02:09


by Petra

A lot has been happening lately, hasn't it?
Last time, we were going to sneak back into Scabitha's house but she was sitting there waiting for us.
I don't really want to make a deal with her, but I wonder if Alya and I will be able to recover our lost things unless we do...
I don't even remember what I've lost, though, maybe I have an idea...
We flew back to Hither and met an unpleasant old hermit named Sprig.
I wonder how he knew so much about us... was it magic? Surely it must be.
He called me a liar and... I... I suppose I have been a liar this whole time. I tell myself that it's to protect Alya.
Everything I do is for her. But maybe that's also a lie.
Is trying to live like this selfish?
It's too late though.
I'm in too deep.
And Sprig knew about me. What I really am.
I've fooled everyone until now. Or so I thought, but the way the hags stare at me... I get the feeling they understand as well.
I've tried to hard, all my life, but in the end, does it even matter?
Anyways, we looked all over Hither for that unicorn horn, but it turns out that Bavlorna said her other sister Endlayn (or whatever) has it, so new we really have to go back to Loomlurch and get that boggle oil.
We promised Will that we would free the rest of the children as well, so we've got to do that too....
Violet is so bloodthirsty. She really wants to kill the next hag we encounter but... that seems difficult. Scabitha especially gives me a bad feeling.
I told Violet that if we ran into Scabitha, we could fight her if she wanted, but I'm still not so sure it's a good idea.
I think all of these hags like to mess with each other, but they're still sisters. If we kill one, will we make an enemy of all of them?
And then there's the matter of... my own predicament.
Given Scabitha's... chosen occupation... what if she knows something?