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Sun 5th Dec 2021 03:45

Hither, Tither

by Petra

We did it! We stole the pocket watch from Mr. Witch.
Honestly, a very cool heist we pulled. Super proud of all of us.
We turned really small in the pixie kingdom and I distracted Thako while everyone else snuck inside and did the deed.
I hope we get to do another one. >:3
When they learned it was us though, Mr. Witch and Mr. Light both turned all spooky and I was legit scared for a bit.
Luckily it all turned out okay.
It still sucks though because we couldn't really get anything out of them except a cryptic riddle about the future and the past and also... fixing an alicorn? whatever that is.
(Oh but I did learn that they used to run a *different* carnival that's like spooky and horror themed??? And Like, I WANT TO SEE IT???? Like Low-key??? omg why wouldn't they tell me about it? ):
But we walked through the magic mirror in the hall of illusions and ended up in Pris... Prism... the place we're trying to go. So I guess that's a step in the right direction at least...
Met a bunch of bunny guys. Not quite like Pipis, but like, they were kinda funny.
Apparently, EJ has a rival now? Like a kung fu rival like in the movies. That's cool.
Anyways, we're off to go check out a balloon that crashed over by that weird leaning tower.
Gtg, ttyl. <3 <3 <3