28th of Rov 4717

Shoving Off

by Ryel Layn

I grabbed some supplies from the inkeeper before I turned in last night. A week's worth of simple rations, a pack of playing cards, an extra quill and an extra notebook. It might end up being a long trip.
Captain Halfbeard was right. We shoved off right at six and I'm certain she would have left me behind, even if I was chasing the boat down the river!
Captain Halfbeard and the old half-elf man welcomed me aboard at 5:55am. I was *not* gonna miss this boat! I learned the old man is Painn Krand, Halfbeard's first mate.
I was watching the town of Riverspire fade into the distance while First Mate Krand got us underway. I must have been deep in thought because teh captain scared the shit out of me. "Miss Ryel! What are ya' running away from?" I almost fell off the boat in fright. I told her "It's ... it's 'mister' actually."
She looked me dead in the eyes and said "Oh. Are ya' sure?"
There was a *very* awkward silence and then she asked again what I was running away from.
I don't think either of us believed it when I said I just wanted to see the world. Halfbeard just grunted at me and walked away.
-- <3 Ryel

Continue reading...

  1. The Final Mission
    20th of Rova 4717
  2. The Way To Riverspire
    25th of Rova 4717
  3. Nearly To Riverspire
    26th of Rova 4717
  4. Securing Passage
    27th of Rova 4717
  5. Shoving Off
    28th of Rov 4717
  6. Big Strong Manly Elf Muscles
    29th of Rova 4717
  7. Trading in Iadara
    30th of Rova 4717
  8. Changing
    10th of Neth 4717