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1st of Ruanoth, 98 SE

Adventure Guild Day 1

by Arnavun Wolfshout

I was invited to join a party at Ellie's Tavern down in Old Town. The invite was strange. A messenger just showed up while I was at the library and seemed to know who I was. Must be something to do with the work I did with Timekeeper a while back. Same vibe. Anyways, he and I met up with some other characters. One was as shifty feller, looked like he was keen to keep his distance. Another was a goddamned bugbear, but he seemed to be real friendly with a half elf lady. Strange enough, he seemed smarter than your average bugbear, but still none too bright. Then there was a human man who was of no significance to me. We all went in and met Ellie, real looker that one. She has a pale glow to her and I sense a power in those eyes. She led us down to this root system and boy I ain't never seen nothing like it. Crazy twists and turns but she seemed to know where she was going. We got to this room with a bunch of food on the table and it smelled real good. She told us to eat up and then get on with our quest so we did just that. I didn't eat nothing but Timekeeper didn't seem to enjoy his meal. Not my problem. We all had these coins and I saw some words above the exit door about how to leave. We figured it out and went into the maze of roots. After a bit we found a room with a locked door. Timekeeper, the dumb fuck, went and tried to shake the damned thing open! A bunch of us ended up getting turned into little mice sized folks. Real annoying fuckin time. After a bit we got our regular sizes back and kept on through the root system. Next room we went into had a bunch of kobolds and a drunk fool. That guy was a real piece of work. We ended up having to kill a bunch of them. I'm not a soft man by no means, but I never like to kill folks that can be of use to me. Life's too short to be wasting it like that. Timekeeper had the bright idea to interrogate a few of the kobolds, but they didn't know shit. We used a speak-to-dead scroll we found on the drunk and he gave us some info about a plot to kill Ellie. I should have copied that into my spellbook but such is life. We finished up and Timekeeper spilled to a gargoyle that he's live a thousand lives and yada yada and then we finally met up with the prince. Prince had Ellie with him and some dude who's skin was like a rock. Lets call him alabaster man. Alabaster said some spell and then a fuckin body comes through a door. Like a dead body. Old as dirt. His Highness seemed to have issue with this man being dead so now we have a whole ass mission to investigate this death. Guess he was a magister or something, but that's a problem for tomorrow.

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  1. The Sage Alden Spellweaver
    3rd of Ruanost, 98 SE
  2. Adventure Guild Day 1
    1st of Ruanoth, 98 SE
  3. The Day of the Protest
    2nd of Ruanost, 98 SE