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Adr. Marcus Verina

My Lunar Home

by Administrator Marcus Verina

*Laser weaponry to be used in the future, shotgun, auto rifle, etc
*Possible Hydrogen 3 collection + exploitation on the moon
*O5-3 is actually very small child which the Foundation suspended in its early development to use the child's brain as the Artificial Intelligence for its Intelligence Network.
He is known as, unfortunately, 'The Kid.'
*O5-3 is the Foundation's All-Seeing Eye
O5-3 allows the Foundation to see everything, literally, that goes on.
Specifically, see.
*He is located at a Black Site in the United States in the Northwest under the site of a HUGE hydroelectric Dam, which powers the massive facility.
*I also know that there are... Other things going on at his black site.
-Although the nature of these other projects is unknown. You can only imagine they are grossly immoral considering the nature of O5-3 and this being a literal 'black site.'
*There is NOT an O5 Councilor in space at any given time. A myth spread by Foundation to seem indestructible.

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  1. My Lunar Home
    Adr. Marcus Verina
  2. Story Consistency
    Adr. Marcus Verina
  3. Marcus' Rolodex
    Adr. Marcus Verina
  4. My Religious Followers
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