We head out northward to the coast. We arrive at the small town of Olbide. We find no luck at the port getting passage northward. We enter The Blue Rock Inn, and the barkeep says that nothing can help us. He points us to a different town about 2 miles east called Sybetra. We find the Queen's Wake, a mercenary ship, and plan to speak with the captain, Kyricos. We spend the night at a local tavern. We meet the captain and bargain for 950 gold. I finish Kaeldyn's magical arm during our calm 2 week journey northward. Therrick catches a dragon turtle. We stumble upon Gigans on the first island and get manacled together and dragged to see the leader. I speak to the leader and get unchained, and I negotiate terms of entering the tomb. We slay two giants and spiders and descend into the tomb. We got stuck in front of a mirror.