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Tue 27th Apr 2021 03:51

Session 28

by Jonathan Sanders

The session begins with Therrick and Edward playing The Game. Edward wins. Jonathan creates his homunculus servant in the shape of an eagle. The blade is located in the Vale of Giants, and the Pommel is in the Eshmetian Desert. The sword is called the Kingslayer. We return to the Gigan island and give the leader the crown as a gift, and leave shortly after to return to the Queen's Wake. Therrick secretly tells Edward that Vala and Kaeldyn are lovers. I tell Edward of my plan to create a Ring of Fire Protection. Kaeldyn looks like shit and cannot sleep. We discuss the plan for meeting with the member of Lionus, and disembark the Queen's Wake. We spend downtime in Nissopoli and shit goes down. We go to the meeting. His name is Khyrmin Carlana. Carlana gives us information: The woman travels in a large group and was in Azodius less than 3 months ago, They travel with hoods up and do not speak a word, they researched the Promethian Fire, She made her way to Nemru, She is still in Nemru. She always takes the form of a woman, but the appearance of this woman changes. The Promethian Fire is a Divine Relic. It is a divine spear created from a branch of Yggdragsil and set ablaze with the fires of creation. It can wound gods and can apply powerful transmutation magic. It is one of the 3 divine and Olympian relics required in the ritual of Theo Genesis (birth of a new god).