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Mon 15th Aug 2022 04:12

I hate people.

by Elios Dahast

We arrived in Bryn Shander after a few more days of travel from my last entry. Little happened in the in between, thus the lack of writing. I don't see the point in making entries for every single day if nothing of note occurs. Moving on, I have begun to feel some small amount of my former power return to me, only to lose it the next day. I cannot say for certain whether the cause is due in some part to the spell that sent me here, or if perhaps this is more of Mystra's meddling. Only time will tell. (I slay me.)
Finally, we arrived at the "Jewel of Ten Towns" only to find it.. wanting. At least, I did. The only institution of "learning" the locals could direct me to is the local church; one dedicated to the Morning Lord, as it were. The irony made me laugh. These people lean so heavily upon their "deities", and are blind to the fact that they do not care. Honestly, the sun has been blotted out by this rime for close to 2 years now, and yet still they worship this god of the sun? What sun? What is your god doing to help you? Nothing. But you lack the courage and will to get through life without using blind faith as a crutch. Well, whatever. I had hoped to be able to spend some time in a library and pour through some books when I got here for information, but even this "jewel" of civilization is devoid of archived knowledge. I pity the children who are born here.
We decided as a group to go visit the local tavern/inn. I do not remember the name, though Brighid referred to it as "Rock Tits" and that seems easier to remember for some reason. I spoke with a local Speaker - a person who voices the decisions of the city council, it seems - and the local sheriff. Neither was particularly friendly, but the Speaker was quite attractive. As we drank through the night to relax after all that had happened on our journey here, I tried my hand at wooing the Speaker. The decision had come to me that I may not return to my home for a very long time, if at all, and I might as well make the most of my time here. Why not seek the comfort of company in a warm bed?
Except I am apparently shit at it. I have been with my wife for so long, I have forgotten how to properly proposition a woman. I failed spectacularly, and even one of the elven brothers attempted to come to my aid and help me, though it helped little. At least, in my case. He seemed to do just fine with his attempt at securing company.
It is an odd experience, explaining to Maple about the intricacies of how the world works. Government, money, bartering, and the like. He seems to understand well enough. Other than his need to be planted every night, he seems to make a fine traveling companion. We have found the person he was meant to deliver his letter to, and they seem to be found at the Church of the Morning Lord. I will accompany him tomorrow in hopes of gleaming some useful information, though I don't have high hopes. Perhaps they can direct me to a druid circle to find some Moon-something berries that some girl had asked of us. I don't know why she thinks some strangers who know nothing of this town or region could locate some kind of magic fruit that the locals could not, but people are idiots. Hm. It does all feel very nostalgic, however. Almost like reliving my youth when I was an adventurer in truth, and not.. whatever this is now.

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  1. The End of the Beginning
    Eleint 20 3267 DR
  2. Betrayal
    Some time during 1492
  3. Jumping into the F(r)ey
  4. I hate people.