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Some time during 1492


by Elios Dahast

I know not what exactly happened during my meeting with the Quorum, but I have a strong idea.
I have found myself thrown back into the past. Thousands of years prior to my casting of Time Release, as I have named it. My clothes are different. My equipment gone and replaced with.. trinkets. My spell book... is the same as the one I carried in my youth, though pristine and untarnished. More sadly than that... it is empty. Save for a few fundamental 1st level spells, all of my former spells are gone. My repository of magic wiped out. The anger I posses at Her for interfering. I knew. I knew this would happen. But, right now, my survival is more important. I have "thankfully" been place in the path of a group of travelers with a wagon. The region is bitterly cold, and these "new" robes aren't as.. helpful as my old ones. The caravan agreed to give me passage along with them, in exchange for my services, as it were. While I have not the martial prowess as some of the men and women already accompanying the group, they lack for spellcasters among them. My ability to create a bonfire at will was a boon that they marveled at. I seem to be in the region of Icewind Dale, some.. 100 years or so after the incident with the Crystal Shard. I'm not unfamiliar with the story, as it was a part of my readings into Drow histories some time after the great rejoining of our species. Somehow, I doubt even the great Drizzt Do'urden would be able to help me in my current predicament. He is, after all, merely a ranger.
I'm almost positive now, that the one who interfered with my magic was none other than Mystra herself, Goddess of Magic. Yes... for centuries now, I have been given accolades and called a Chosen of Mystra, though I had not seen her before in my life. Indeed, I expected not. Save for those daughters whose births changed their lineage, almost all of Mystra's chosen has been human. Perhaps she has an issue with elves. Maybe the gods have issue with the way the elves have come together as one peoples, and began to live with the passion and vigor as the short-lived races. We've accomplished so much. We've become the greatest masters of everything we've put our minds to. And with our long lives, will only get better, while the experienced amongst the other races will die off, and their offspring will be afforded no chance to catch up to us. Yes, I believe this is how the world is supposed to be.
I must regain my magic, and find a way to return home. If not.. I may need to start a new life here, and start over. Perhaps this time I shall be the one to unify the race, and lead us towards the glorious future our people deserve.

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  1. The End of the Beginning
    Eleint 20 3267 DR
  2. Betrayal
    Some time during 1492
  3. Jumping into the F(r)ey
  4. I hate people.