
Journal entry 2.2023.11.05

by Krix

25 Hurog 527
We have advanced to the third level of Halastar’s Dungeon. We passed a pair of barriers into a large cavern with many buildings in it. They have been here before too and were worried about hostile drow elves. There were thick spider webs on the walls and ground. The ceiling was covered in darkness when we entered, but someone from within a building sent a flare into the webbing that also was covering the roof of the cavern. Who knew giant spider webbing was so flammable? Now I know. The ceiling went up in flames, and began dropping flaming debris including the dead bodies of burned giant spiders. The rest of the webbing also caught on fire. We began to run through the area, meaning to get to the far side so we could continue to advance to the 5th level, but then we started finding the pit traps – with spikes at the bottom, of course. We got some arrows fired at us through arrow slits in the buildings around us – but no one came out to directly engage us in battle, the cowards. Between the fire, the pit traps, the inability of some of these squishy people to jump across pit traps properly, and random arrows, we were all injured by the time we escaped out to the other side. Darien, one of the clerics, said a prayer of healing for us which helped quite a bit. Onward.