
Journal entry 1.2023.10.29

by Krix

25? Hurog 527
Halt Strongheart had no more mercenary work for me, but I’ve managed to join a group of adventurers that are heading into Halastar’s Dungeon to rescue a little girl named Susan Smith. They tell me she is to be sacrificed in 5 days (5 Uvork) by Glasya cultists trying to summon a demon, or something. Sounds dangerous. I’m in.
It’s a large and diverse group. I should fit in without issue. They include:
Their leader, Hergatz Gumplefrump, a dwarven cleric of light;
All The Light Touches, a tabaxi rogue;
Bolide SmokeShadow, a fairy warlock;
Clive Standish, a human wizard, and his giant tortoise Onslow;
Dalden Renkarr, a dwarven fighter loyal to Hergatz;
Darien, a human cleric of the grave domain;
Ferzith Cortellian, a human bard;
Grasshopper, a high elf monk;
J’aboc Dilvacko, a human barbarian;
Ping Pong, a half-elf rogue;
Rilitar Scintillia, a satyr paladin;
Ryker Durune, a dwarven cleric;
Vectis Xi, a warforged artificer, and his mechanical dog Cardo.
We need to get to the fifth level, where they believe the cultists have imprisoned Susan. They have been here before and know their way, to some extent. We made our way through the first and second levels without much issue – the place is infested with goblinoids but this group seems to have made a pact with them and we were able to pass peacefully. Peacefully until we ran into a large floating eyeball with four tentacled eyeballs, and I got blasted with some sort of very painful, harmful ray from one of the tentacle eyes. It hurt. A lot. We were able to bring down the eye thing (spectator, I think they called it), but we had also attracted hostilities from goblins and hobgoblins in the next room. They lined up very nicely for a bit of Caustic Brew which was satisfying. The others finished everything off swiftly.
I have decided many of these adventurers are a bit squishy and need someone tough in front to protect them. That is what I am here for, I guess.
We progressed through the dungeon, avoiding a pair of large ballista-things at the end of a long hall. The group is intent on getting to the 5th level as quickly as possible. We are leaving many potential dangers unaddressed behind us.