The House by Maura | World Anvil

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Fri 7th Jul 2023 08:24

The House

by Maura Le Brevil

So as we took the small boat, as I use the term lightly up river we stopped at the spot we were told was a safe spot for the night. Theo, Quin, and Sharos decided to go up the hill to a "ranch" where a recluse gentlemen friend of Theo lives. Honestly, I think Theo just didn't want to be near the forest as we are camped pretty close. Ava, Chi, and I decided to stay with the boat by the river's edge. Ava took the first watch and Chi and I fell asleep. I was awakened by Chi to what I thought was the start of my watch only to find out we were in the middle of her watch. It was very dark out and only able to see shapes. What we heard though was something else. Something large coming through the forest across the river. We were quiet and discussed if we should wake the others or let it pass. We had no fire, so perhaps whatever it was, would just keep going. As we sat and waited what we had heard showed up on the edge of the river. We were NOT prepared for what we saw... a house with legs... bird-like legs. Baba Yaga! Of course, Chi and I could not believe it and both sat there mouths agape. I knew immediately what it was but I was fearful of admitting it. I have the innate ability to cast a spell for a short time and when I do, that object grows legs, chicken legs! What does this mean? I have never had any contact with hags let alone Baba Yaga! What was she looking for at the edge of the river? Was she looking for me? Am I connected to her somehow? Is that what my parents were fleeing from, or WHO rather? Is that why I have been put into hiding as a child? So many questions! Baba Yaga is known to be evil so I can't let anyone else know about this! I am already looked upon as different and blamed for so much, including the mire...
I see Chi has been watching me with speculation. I'm even afraid to share with Ava what I have learned. When we get to town, I will see what I can research. I need to figure this out without raising suspicion.
The next day as we were making our way up the river, we were attacked by a drake.. why by all the gods could I not remember anything that I knew about drakes??!?! Many were so injured by this creature, but we were finally able to take it down, including the crocs that seemed to hunt alongside it. While Theo was down in the waters to skin the animals, he happened upon some items that appeared to be magical. We identified them and I suppose we will see who can make use of them and pass them out accordingly.
I am still wondering about BY though. What does this mean to me? What does this mean to my magic? Why do I have a sinking feeling?

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