First big adventure Bandits by Maura | World Anvil

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Wed 5th Jul 2023 04:21

First big adventure Bandits

by Maura Le Brevil

I am traveling with my friend Ava and friends I have not seen in a long time, Quinn and Chi. I have also met a couple of individuals that are newly met, Sharos and Theo. I really like Theo and Sharos but is still getting to know them. Theo seems interested in making people comfortable but seems to have something in his past he is reluctant to talk about. Chi seems different himself. He attacked me the other day with a dagger that seems to be full of dark magic. I will need to watch him. Ava seems to have come into her own magic as well. She has never discussed this with me before. Does she not trust me anymore? Why is it so difficult to make and keep friends? I have trusted her with so much thinking I have finally found someone I could tell all my secrets to. I even told her about my sash which I was forbidden to tell anyone about. We did encounter some bandits and there was something strange about them. One was a farmer that Ava knows and she knew the leader that she killed. He had some sort of portal opened and wanted "the caster". It all seems so strange, I need to think about this and figure out what's going on with her and this other man that she killed. When we get to the bigger town, perhaps I can glean something from the big library there.

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  1. First big adventure Bandits
  2. The House
  3. The Truth and Sickness