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Thu 29th Feb 2024 12:38

Internal DataLog - (2/21/2024 - Session 0)

by ALEK51

Bootlog: 2.21.24-1904c
ARDUELTA (C) ---- Voxia Industrial, Inc.
Deltabilt Model: ALEK51-BGH194365(etc) NUAI Revision 0245
CPU: Intelli(R) Septium(R) Dual CPU E8261 @9.55 THz
Speed : 11.34 THz Count : 2
Initializing SoulLink(R) .. Error.
(CIN-503) Service Unavailable: no return signal from [connector TH12], please attempt reconnection/refusion.
If the issue persists, please see a licensed Warforged Creation Specialist.
Checking Data Drives .. OK
24659348 YB OK
PowerSave Mode disabled.
Initializing Diagnostics

Welcome Back, "ALEK51".
Beginning Transcription services:
+ EDIT prior note: "Travel Log.0000000002"
Addition: Travel Day 7/5 towards City of Wrath.
//"Delayed again. Not another broken wagon wheel, the rear Lodestone went out. Sustained damage from recent wagon tip-over seems to have exacerbated the old fracture I had patched and it is spouting Force. Traded it and remaining scrap-materials to a merchant on the outskirts of Wrath for another Used Lodestone of comparable Force output. Took too long to install, I will almost assuredly be late for the designated meeting time. I hope this doesn't cause them to cancel my contract, or assign me a late fee. I would likely have to find temporary work to manage."
UPDATE: 'Active Relocation order'
IS complete
UPDATED LOCATION: City of Wrath, AHARRG Guild Hall, Floor 3, Room ##
STATUS of Quest 2.16.##.A) "Meeting regarding Hired Escort to Scriptorum Soirum"
-- SUB-EDIT: I was Hired as an Adventurer?
//"There must have been a mistake with the forms I was given to complete. I have been informed that my application was for Employment within the Guild, not the form requesting Aid from the Guild.
Note: They have a teleportation circle on the third floor available to Adventurers that could send me directly to the Scriptorum Soirum! FREELY?! So, perhaps this will work out. It will certainly be cheaper than if I had paid to utilize the teleportation circles in Sadora Rowa. So hopefully I can utilize that soon, but for now I have been assigned a job, and a 'party'. I will need to update my records."
NEW Quests:
2.21.24.A) Homework? Meet your Party over food/drink?? (Same Day)
- Goal: Socialize, Consumption of nutrition, Observe and share Personnel Data, etc.?
- Risk/Reward: Failure will result in loss of Adventuring License??
2.21.24.B) Assigned: Eefis Dungeon Run Consultation (Next Day)
- Goal: Test a Dungeon Configuration for Efficiency, designed to protect wives valuables. See QuestGiver for further details.
- Risk/Reward: Payment to be determined.
UPDATE: Quest 2.21.24.A)
STATUS - Completed same evening.

  • Acquired "Adventuring Party" ---

  • To Do:
    * Assign new grouping filters to relevant Personnel Files.
    * Update Personnel Files.
    INTERNAL REQUEST: Update Personnel Files
    Personnel Files to Add/Amend:
    +NEW Gleddy Goodvine (Firsthand Account) - Grouping: AHARRG STAFF
    +NEW Zedron Eefis (Secondhand Account) - Grouping: Questgiver (2.21.24.B)
    +NEW Glorbus (Firsthand Account)
    +NEW Kitanya the Starchef (Firsthand Account) - Grouping: PARTY
    +NEW Num (Firsthand Account) - Grouping: PARTY
    +NEW Amanita (Firsthand Account) - Grouping: PARTY
    +NEW Wynnie Bishop (Firsthand Account) - Grouping: PARTY
    +NEW L0L4 (Firsthand Account) - Grouping: PARTY
    +NEW Tervik Likkus (Firsthand Account) - Grouping: PARTY
    UPDATE Personnel files, subgrouping: "AHARRG STAFF"
    USER ENTRY: "Gleddy Goodvine" (NEW)
    Gleddy Goodvine, (She/Her)
    Ancestry: Halfling/Dwarf? (needs verification)
    Occupation: Coordinator
    - Job Description: Team Building & Contracts Coordinator for AHARRG Guild Hall.
    - Visual Description: 3' tall(S), ?? lbs. (Stocky/Muscular), tied up Curly/Bushy Auburn hair, green/grey/blue hazeled eyes, Ruddy Pink speckled skintone.
    - Observations: Almost NEVER not smiling. Old Hammer makes her Sad??
    - Associated Quests:
    2.21.24.A) - Giver (In-Person)
    2.21.24.B) - Assigner (Civilian Request - External)
    UPDATE complete.
    UPDATE Personnel files, subgrouping "Questgiver (2.21.24.B)"
    USER ENTRY: "Zedron Eefis" (NEW)
    Zedron Eefis (He/Him? verify)
    Ancestry: Unknown
    Occupation: Unknown
    - Job Description: DESCRIBED AS Trophy Husband, Wealthy Merchant??, Eccentric. (Info needs verifying)
    - Visual Description: N/A
    - Observations: N/A
    - Associated Quests:
    2.21.24.B) - Giver (External Request - AHARRG Guild)
    UPDATE complete.
    UPDATE Personnel files, subgrouping: N/A
    USER ENTRY: "Glorbus" (NEW)
    Glorbus, (unknown pronouns)
    Ancestry: Gnome (subtype unknown)
    Occupation: Unknown
    - Job Description: N/A
    - Visual Description: (Data not committed to memory)
    - Observations: Desired the autograph of L0L4 after her performance. Got an autograph.
    UPDATE complete.
    UPDATE Personnel files, subgrouping: "PARTY"
    USER ENTRY: "Kitanya the Starchef" (NEW)
    Kitanya the Starchef, (She/Fae)
    Ancestry: Satyr (educated assumption)
    Occupation: Chef?
    - Job Description: Some form of Mage/Soothsayer. Self proclaimed Chef.
    - Visual Description: 5'2"(M) tall, ??lbs. (Body Type not recorded), Chestnut hair, Blue eyes - Round pupils, (Brown markings) Pale skintone.
    - Observations: Possible connection to Astral Bodies. Low Data processing speed. Curved horns similar to CREATURE: "Ram"
    - Associated Quests:
    2.21.24.A) - Coop (Party Quest#2.21.24-1. Completed.)
    2.21.24.B) - Coop (Party Quest#2.21.24-2. Pending Start.)
    - Notes:
    //"Participated in 2 truths, one Lie during Quest 2.21.24.A), claimed to understand the rules. Followed the rules, but did not lie convincingly. Recounted information she gave us earlier. Information given as follows:
    * I am named after a moon - (born under an Evermoon of Metune and Emmiris and a new moon of Kitan, named after the latter)
    * I Talk to the moon - (Claimed in initial encounter that she speaks to moons/stars? needs verification/Further clarifying)
    * I do not like sweet things - (Said over a glass of very sweet moscato, recently professed to be her favorite alcohol, with a poorly hidden smile.) FALSEHOOD.
    -- Data Corruption, missing Singing presence --
    I can not remember if Kitanya participated in the Vocal Musical Exercise at L0L4's behest, but I am inclined to believe she did? Obtain Secondhand Verification from other attending PARTY members.
    Further information to be added as interactions persist."
    UPDATE complete.
    UPDATE Personnel files, subgrouping: "PARTY"
    USER ENTRY: "Num" (NEW)
    Num, (He/Him)
    Ancestry: Gnome (subtype uncertain)
    Occupation: Ranger Class, Travelling Herald?
    - Job Description: Travelling purveyor/trader ofinformation and news among varied settlements.
    - Visual Description: 3'6"(S) tall, ??lbs. (body type not recorded), Copper-Brown hair, Green eyes - Round Pupils, Pale skintone.
    - Observations: Quiet. Listens over Talking.
    - Associated Quests:
    2.21.24.A) - Coop (Party Quest#2.21.24-1. Completed.)
    2.21.24.B) - Coop (Party Quest#2.21.24-2. Pending Start.)
    - Notes:
    //"Participated in 2 truths, one Lie during Quest 2.21.24.A), Information given as follows:
    * I am the Last Survivor of my Village (no further details at this time)
    * I Travel town to town sharing news. (no further details at this time)
    * --Data corruption, missing "Lie"--. Obtain Secondhand Verification of information from other attending PARTY members.
    Participated in Vocal Musical Exercise at L0L4's behest, was not skilled at/was not familiar with this particular method. Did not claim to be.
    Further information to be added as interactions persist."
    UPDATE complete.
    UPDATE Personnel files, subgrouping: "PARTY"
    USER ENTRY: "Amanita" (NEW)
    Amanita, (They/Them)
    Ancestry: Owlin (Part Myconid? unknown, verify)
    Occupation: Druid of the Spores Circle, (Other trades unverified)
    - Job Description: no further details at this time.
    - Visual Description: 5'(M) tall, 90lbs. (featherlight build), No Hair, solid Black eyes - No Sclera visible, Russet/White Feathers.
    - Observations: Smells of Mold & Petrichor/Overturned Earth. Flies often.
    - Associated Quests:
    2.21.24.A) - Coop (Party Quest#2.21.24-1. Completed.)
    2.21.24.B) - Coop (Party Quest#2.21.24-2. Pending Start.)
    - Notes:
    //"Participated in 2 truths, one Lie during Quest 2.21.24.A), Information given as follows:
    * I have no sense of taste (Affects sense of Smell as well. Common among Owlin, apparantly)
    * I once owned a pair of boots with individual toes (uncommon but not unheard of.)
    * --Data corruption, missing complete "Lie"--. Recovered data mentions "because of being a druid", which was the tell that gave away the lie. I believe it had to do with being Immune to Poison or unable too become Drunk, but I cannot recall. Obtain Secondhand Verification from other attending PARTY members.
    Did Not participate in Vocal Musical Exercise at L0L4's behest, flew in circles around the first story Sootpipe, maintaining minimum required distance to party until the events were completed. Seemingly disturbed them. Unsure if due to volume, distaste for music, etc.
    Further information to be added as interactions persist."
    UPDATE complete.
    UPDATE Personnel files, subgrouping: "PARTY"
    USER ENTRY: "Wynnie Bishop" (NEW)
    Wynnie Bishop, (She/Her)
    Ancestry: Firbolg (Ovine)
    Occupation: Wizard (Transmutation), (other trade unknown).
    - Job Description: no further details at this time.
    - Visual Description: 7'6"(M+) tall, 260lbs. (Bodytype unrecorded), White woolen hair, Orange eyes - Horizontal rectangular pupils, Mottled Grey skintone.
    - Observations: --Data corruption, no Observations-- ((Make new ones or Obtain Secondhand from other attending PARTY members.))
    - Associated Quests:
    2.21.24.A) - Coop (Party Quest#2.21.24-1. Completed.)
    2.21.24.B) - Coop (Party Quest#2.21.24-2. Pending Start.)
    - Notes:
    //"Participated in 2 truths, one Lie during Quest 2.21.24.A), Information given as follows:
    * I can move things with my mind. (Confirmed to be mildly telekinetic)
    * I am an Ex-Textile Merchant. (Further data not available at this time.)
    * --Data corruption, missing "Lie"--. Obtain Secondhand Verification from other attending PARTY members.
    -- Data Corruption, missing Singing presence --
    I cannot remember if Wynnie participated in the Vocal Musical Exercise at L0L4's behest, but I believe she may have? Obtain Secondhand Verification from other attending PARTY members.
    Further information to be added as interactions persist."
    UPDATE complete.
    UPDATE Personnel files, subgrouping: "PARTY"
    USER ENTRY: "L0L4" (NEW)
    L0L4 [Loh-luh], (She/Her)
    Ancestry: Warforged (Humanoid Construct)
    Occupation: Bard, (other trade unknown)
    - Job Description: Music via Vocalizer & Lute, Dancing, etc.
    - Visual Description: 5'3"(M) tall, 300lbs (body type unrecorded), Fiber-optic Color-Changing hair, Cyan (color-changing) eyes, Pale White & Transparent 'skintone'.
    - Observations: Extroverted Musicbox. Highly expressive.
    - Associated Quests:
    2.21.24.A) - Coop (Party Quest#2.21.24-1. Completed.)
    2.21.24.B) - Coop (Party Quest#2.21.24-2. Pending Start.)
    - Notes:
    //"Participated in 2 truths, one Lie during Quest 2.21.24.A), Information given as follows:
    * I weigh over 300 lbs. (As do I, this was easily likely even with our different Creators.)
    * I can make my hair glow. (Easily proven true via visual inspection.)
    * --Data Corruption, missing "Lie"--. Obtain Secondhand Verification from other attending PARTY members.
    Initiated a Vocal Musical Exercise within the party, extending to other patrons of the Guildhall. Was tipped 1gp 2sp for her efforts.
    Further information to be added as interactions persist."
    UPDATE complete.
    UPDATE Personnel files, subgrouping: "PARTY"
    USER ENTRY: "Tervik Likkus" (NEW)
    Tervik Likkus, (He/Him)
    Ancestry: Tiefling (Legacy unknown)
    Occupation: Businessman, Paladin (Oath unknown. Business?)
    - Job Description: BUSINESSMAN, unsure of the details.
    - Visual Description: 5'2"(M) tall (more with horns), 138lbs. (Body Type unrecorded), Mousy Brown hair, Chestnut Brown eyes, Light Yellow-green skintone.
    - Observations: no specific observations at this time.
    - Associated Quests:
    2.21.24.A) - Coop (Party Quest#2.21.24-1. Completed.)
    2.21.24.B) - Coop (Party Quest#2.21.24-2. Pending Start.)
    - Notes:
    //"Participated in 2 truths, one Lie during Quest 2.21.24.A), Information given as follows:
    * I have 5 brothers and 4 sisters. (I am not sure if this is uncommon.)
    * I am a businessman. (easy giveaway)
    * --Data Corruption, missing "Lie"--. Obtain Secondhand Verification from other attending PARTY members.
    -- Data Corruption, missing Singing presence --
    I cannot remember if Tervik participated in the Vocal Musical Exercise at L0L4's behest, but I believe he may not have? Obtain Secondhand Verification from other attending PARTY members.
    Further information to be added as interactions persist."
    UPDATE complete.
    UPDATE Personnel files, subgrouping: "PARTY"
    **Summation provided for rapid updating**
    'ALEK-51', (He/They/It)
    Ancestry: Warforged (Tiefling Construct)
    Occupation: Researcher/Library Aid. Crafter(hobby). Etc.
    - Job Description: Data Retention, Illuminator, Manuscript/Scroll Restoration, Tinkerer/Gunsmith(hobbyist), etc as needed.
    - Visual Description: 6'6"(M) tall*/4'8" in Wheelchair, 350+lbs w/o chair (Build Model: "Fit"), Black hair with oil spill/irridescent undertones, Golden Plasma eyes, 'Skintone': Ochred Brass, Tarnished Steel & Tarnished Copper (polished to clean, not to shine).
    - Observations: --see full 5.UP3.R3-G0 breakdown for details--
    - Associated Quests:
    2.21.24.A) - Participant (Party Quest#2.21.24-1. Completed.)
    2.21.24.B) - Participant (Party Quest#2.21.24-2. Pending Start.)
    - Notes:
    //"Participated in 2 truths, one Lie during Quest 2.21.24.A), Information given as follows:
    * I go through over 4000 rockroot a year. (Conservative estimate. Factual.)
    * I disconnect at the waist. (Technically I can disconnect at Many joints, or elsewhere if I took the time and had the tools, but I have installed a Quick Release at the TH12 connection joint since everything beyond that point does not function anyway. Factual.)
    * I know over Ten different languages, spoken, written, and signed. (INCORRECT. I currently only know 7 fluently. This lie was "caught" by Kitanya, but under the belief that there is not more than ten languages. There are at minimum 16-18, to my knowledge? I did not correct her at this time, assuming it to be inebriation, perhaps?)
    I did not participate in the Vocal Musical Exercise at L0L4's behest, claiming I did not have the correct vocal apparatus for such musical minstrations. This is not factual, as I can modulate my pitch and likely Could have managed something, but as I am not practiced in it and did not feel like joining, PLUS we were preparing for the 2 truths and a Lie game, I elected to lie. I believe i got away with it? I did not have to sing. Or dance.
    Further information to be added as future interactions with the PARTY members persist."
    --(EG.0) Please note, due to mild inebriation during completion of Quest 2.21.24.A), some data has been corrupted and will need recovery or replacement at a later date.--
    UPDATE complete.
    Closing Notations before PowerSave sequence:
    //"We are Bunking in a group barracks it seems. Some of the group elected to construct a Pillow-Fort, and I was invited by L0L4 to join. This seemed to be easier to sleep in than bothering with the Bunk Beds, so I agreed. Legs, Chair, and Equipment left over near foot of Bunkbed 3.
    Tomorrow to speak to Gleddy Goodvine again before embarking on Quest 2.21.24.B). Internal Clocks set to arise just before dawn."
    Y/N_ .. No
    Enter PowerSave cycle for 6hrs?
    Y/N_ .. Yes
    Initializing 'SleepCycle'.
    Please do not Remove 'POWER' from the Warforged during this time.
    Please allow the Warforged the entire 6 hours to sleepcycle, otherwise errors may occur and cause Data or Function errors upon reactivation, that may or may not be resolved during the next sleepcycle.
    Thank you.
    Sleepcycle Progress - 1%

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