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ALEK (all caps) or "Aleksi"

NG/CG Warforged (Cloistered Scholar (Sage))
Artificer 4
36 / 36 HP

Wheelchair-bound Magipunk Warforged with an enormous knowledge of book-bound info and a healthy serving of Sass.

Campaign & Party

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Thu 7th Mar 2024 04:49

Manual Notations A-GG-J1.DI: A Commentary on Dungeon Exploration and Inspection

by ALEK51

DataLog A-GG-J1.DI-(02282024)
Commentary on Dungeon Exploration and Inspection
Starting in the Entryway (Room E), we elected to navigate through the Left path, henceforth known as path A, the right to be path B.
The procurement of mushrooms for lighting and short-lived minor healing properties (if cooked properly by an informed intruder) is quite ethical, and I encourage they do not be discouraged. It will cause many who can not see in darkness to take it for granted, and possibly miss out on traps that would be color-coded.
A1-a having a hidden Gap is very effective, as it could easily cause an unintentional fall. Even if the gap was unhidden, a simple 5' gap proves a challenge easy to pass, but easy for the cocksure to fail. A1-b seems safe, and forks into A2 (Left door) and A1-c **relabeled AB** (Right Doorway). We elected first to check out *AB, finding the pressure plate with some effort and unsuccessfully disabling it. Noone was harmed, as we simply waited for it to die down, and ensured it would not be retriggered. Potentially, having the trap end in a Closed position might prove a bigger deterrent in future models, as an intruder would have to renavigate around to get to path B if they so chose. alternatively, having it reset and after a period return to function may likewise be smart so the secondary pressure plate Not activating within a set timeframe offers a sense of reassurance it is deactivated, only to potentially get them again later if they aren't careful. At your discretion, though I do applaud the use of twin plates.
Similarly, the Motion activated traps in room A1-d **relabeled to B2** proved very effective for releasing the mephits. the close quarters combined with their explosive demise proved an annoying and difficult encounter. well constructed, difficult to avoid, but the promise of loot in that all too visible chest made for an excellent trap.
After this conflict, we needed to take a short break.
For Your Consideration:
It might be a good idea to have some kind of Sense of Urgency trap available in certain rooms that scan for motion or presence every ten minutes or so after a trap is triggered, to interrupt a potential rest and keep intruders on their toes. Sometimes you don't even need a trap, but a simple countdown that ends when they leave the room can encourage the disruption of a rest. If you must put a trap, something sonic, or a sleeping gas that sends an indicator to you it has gone off may prove effective. (this may also aid in recollecting of Mephits if they kill the intruders and are left wandering.
**End of log**
DataLog A-GG-J1.DI-(03062024)
Commentary on Dungeon Exploration and Inspection, continued. (Short Rest taken)
Starting in A1-d (later relabeled to B2), we proceeded through (B1), which was empty of traps.
This is good, it builds a false sense of security in adventurers in believing they chose the "Right" path.
It loops back around to Room E (entryway), so we did not attempt the door from E to B1.
Backtracking thru B2 thru AB into A1-b, we checked the door for traps and found none, however upon opening the door to and peering inside A2, Creature cages were seen open, swinging. The creatures must have preemptively escaped the cages, or the mechanism may have been faulty, as there was almost no delay from the unlocking and opening of the door. Needs fine tuning.
The mimic in A3 was quite effective. Its location made it quite tempting, and the secondary chest hidden around the corner increased tension. Well placed.
I found room A4 to be a bit lacking. The trap door at dead end (A4-a) should have a mechanism to give way when weight is placed upon it, as a party member had plenty of time to stand on it and us quickly move to retrieve him before the doors gave way. As well, they only gave way because the pressure plate was accidentally stepped on during said endeavor. I recommend a quick-release connection underneath (out of reach of the skeleton) so if weight of no greater than 40 lbs sets atop it, it gives way. (to account for those of smaller sized ancestry)
Additionally, placing an esoteric tablet of small font into that wall, possibly one that LOOKS to provide hints or tips (which could in fact be false or partly false) may encourage a desperate intruder to take a closer look. I believe this would prove more tempting than an artwork or similarly valuable item, as that is Expected to be a trap, where the tablet will be expected to be a reminder to yourself if done properly.
Assuming the adventurer ignores the dead end (A4-a), one skeleton does not prove much of a challenge for a small crew of intruders. You might consider two, but make sure they are not prone to crowding or fighting. The noise could give them away.
The use of Hexiglass in C1 is quite sufficient for the Ooze and Obleck you have contained. However as there was only one small trap, it was quite easy to avoid. This is likely for the best as they would prove a challenge to fight, but even more of a challenge to clean up after and re-contain. Especially if the Intruders use Slashing weapons, you may find yourself having to dispatch them yourself.
Additionally, there is no doorway between A4-b (relabeled AC) and C, so you might find them prone to wandering, and well capable of moving well beyond their intended room's range. Possibly adding another doorway, or lining doorways with a magical deterrent for them may help you in this manner.
Room C2 seemed a sufficient battle. At first glance, the full amount of giant rats was not visible, leading to the chance of bursting in misinformed. The choice of rats carrying some kind of disease or illness is a questionable but effective choice.
HOWEVER, whether through negligence or malice, one of the rats in question was a Sapient Therianthrope of the Rodentia Form by the name of Gerome. Proper prudence must be taken when ethically sourcing your monsters so as not to unintentionally undertake the act of Kidnapping, as you will be culpable and responsible for not only reparations to this man, but to the party member who was bitten by him in said form, and thus requires treatment to prevent the spread of Therianthropy.
We are informed he has been down here for a matter of weeks, and something held him in this form for that time. If it comes to light that said Person has been held against his will Intentionally, this will be seen as a Black mark on my assessment and it will be reported to the Guild.
If this was a simple case of Negligence, I will still make my report, it shall be a Strike on my report, and the guild shall still be informed to Ensure the man properly recovers from this happenstance. Please ensure he gets home healed, safely, with reparations and Hopefully an Excuse for his place of employment, should he have lost his job due to his not showing for several weeks. I also recommend therapy and aid in his transition into life with Therianthropy, as it seems he has been mostly taking it on the chin until now, and could benefit from a support system. This would likely be seen as a Very Charitable Contribution and could do well to improve your standing, as well as potentially be part of reparations.
Again, please be mindful when sourcing monsters, and when possible I advise AVOIDING the use of Sapient Persons in lieu of monsters for this secret dungeon, to prevent unintentional Murder, as well as to prevent unwanted theft or secret spilling by an employed sapient party.
This concludes my assessment for this Log. I will pick back up once we have ensured Gerome is comfortable until we can return to escort him out safely.
**End of log**
DataLog A-GG-J1.DI-(03202024)
Commentary on Dungeon Exploration and Inspection, continued. (After Settling a Sapient person)
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ALEK51's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

The major events and journals in ALEK51's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 12

05:22 am - 13.06.2024

Session 12

01:59 am - 13.06.2024

Session 11: Awh, Beans. Hags.

06:27 pm - 12.06.2024

Session 11: Awh, Beans. Hags.

06:27 pm - 12.06.2024

Session 11: Awh, Beans. Hags.

06:27 pm - 12.06.2024

Session 10

02:12 am - 05.06.2024

Session 10

12:05 am - 30.05.2024

The session

04:14 am - 18.04.2024

The session

04:14 am - 18.04.2024

Session 6

04:35 am - 11.04.2024

Session 6

04:35 am - 11.04.2024

Session 5

05:37 am - 04.04.2024

Session 5

05:37 am - 04.04.2024

Session 4:

04:32 pm - 28.03.2024

Session 4:

12:30 am - 28.03.2024

Session 3:

04:24 am - 21.03.2024

Session 3:

04:24 am - 21.03.2024

Session 2: Where chests are not chests & rats are not rats

06:21 am - 07.03.2024

Session 2: Where chests are not chests & rats are not rats

06:20 am - 07.03.2024

Party Get!!!

2/21/24 - Joined an Adventuring Party --- Added new Personnel Grouping: PARTY --- Assigning Personnel files the PARTY grouping: +NEW "Kitanya the Starchef" +NEW "Num" +NEW "Amanita" +NEW "Wynnie Bishop" +NEW "L0L4" +NEW "Tervik Likkus" +SELF "ALEK51" --- PARTY formed.

12:55 pm - 29.02.2024

Session 0: Sheets & Setup

02:27 am - 26.02.2024

Session 1: Joining Up

04:16 am - 22.02.2024

Session 1: Joining Up

02:28 am - 11.02.2024

Session 0: Sheets & Setup

02:27 am - 11.02.2024

Session 0: Sheets & Setup

02:26 am - 11.02.2024

The list of amazing people following the adventures of ALEK51.

Played by