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Wed 15th Feb 2023 05:50

Hello, its been a while.

by Blim Whitefluff

I thought it would be time to update my story. A lot has happened since I started following the rebellion.
Virkhagen was cold but it was a good home for a while. My secrets were kept safer than the peoples it seems. Oh the mysteries I found.
I won't detail it too much here what I have found as if anyone got their hands on this there is no knowing what they would do.
The library has secrets, I found them, the books contained knowledge I should not know. Since they have been removed. Who ever put them there might know their secrets were found.
Also, secrets in the castle. I found a room. A room I hope never to see again. The horror in there is unimaginable.
I travelled again, this time back to Aremore. Here I met some interesting people. They called me "family" and "friend"?
I think I may of had these once before? But I do not remember really... When I try think that far back everything starts to hurt and the world spins.
But yes, back to these people, I enjoy their company. I was used to being alone so its a strange feeling.
I almost feel bad for watching their every more.
They think they can keep their secrets still, I won't let them know they can't. As I quite like this friend thing.
The festival was my idea, they seemed so sad from all the death and burning and building. But I didn't invite the others!
They are scared, the stranger scares them. The other people worry them.
I think I can protect them? I think I failed to protect someone a while ago?
They have a safe place under the ground. This is good. They might need it. One has many hidden holes in their home.
The snow one spends a lot of time there. Her secrets are very much tragic. One of her secrets seems to of released itself.
The one with the many holes under their home as left, they are no longer friends with the snow one? But they have changed too much.
For now, I will keep my shops stocked and keep watching them all. Some are aware of it but most are not.
But at least they trust me. Not that they should? I do not know. There is still a cloud in my head. I hope they can trust me.

Continue reading...

  1. Hello, its been a while.
  2. The Festival Approaches.
    Moments before the festival
  3. I'm so sorry...........
    Moments after the festival