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Blim Whitefluff

Somehow both charismatic and shy, this blue Fairy is a enigma in many ways. Her past is unknown but she certainly knows a lot about the present.

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Moments after the festival

I'm so sorry...........

by Blim Whitefluff

*small smudges cover the page, they look like droplets. Maybe from someone crying*
It's all my fault. I should of stayed alone. Who was I to think I would finally fit somewhere! All I do is bring tragedy where ever I go.
I have never felt more alone, even though I am surrounded by people.
The festival was the most amazing thing I have ever seen, I felt free and weightless. I have never felt anything like it. For a few hours I forgot about the overwhelming dread and loneliness and witnessed what having "friends" is really like.
People loved the bricks! We had so much fun.
The ceremony almost when off with out a scratch... but then it happened... Keiko gave the news. The Queen is dead, Freya had been murdered. I didn't even get to show them my fireworks.
I go to gather some things from town..... THE TREE IS GONE. Not a scrap of it left. It's my fault. I should never of made a home. I have no home.
I am going to be alone. I am going to find out what happened. I know where a scrap of the tree is. I know who did it and why.
I am no friend or family. I am just tragedy. I knew I didn't belong.
I am sorry.
*This continues until the page is so wet it is unreadable*

Blim's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Hello, its been a while.
    15 Feb 2023 05:50:19
  2. The Festival Approaches.
    Moments before the festival
  3. I'm so sorry...........
    Moments after the festival

The major events and journals in Blim's history, from the beginning to today.

Hello, its been a while.

I thought it would be time to update my story. A lot has happened since I started following the rebellion. Virkhagen was cold but it was a good home for a while. My secrets were kept safer than the peoples it seems. Oh the mysteries I found. I won't d...

05:50 pm - 15.02.2023

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Blim.

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