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Sat 23rd Apr 2022 07:37

Session 1 - The Beginning

by Lord Pietr Reborn

Jan 9, 2022
We built our new/reborn characters and introduced ourselves to the others. Then we began:
A day and a half ago you fell unconscious as you literally fell from the heavens -- and landed on the ranger, Vedemis-- crossing the planes to arrive in the surf of the tides among crystalline blue clear waters of a tropical beach paradise. When you came to, you had been given simple sackcloth for clothing, you were manacled and held in individual prison cells with bars that were enchanted somehow to project an anti-magic field, and you were informed by your feline humanoid captors that you were being brought to the nearby city of He'shabha, the Jewel of the South and one of the Imperial Gate Cities to their homelands.
Your captors treated you well enough, and used powerful magical spells and items on you to try and divine your origins, strange as you were to them and to yourself. They were not forthcoming on any details, however, and they seem to be consumate professionals in ensuring slaves do not escape before market sales are final.
The sun dawned this morning with you crossing underneath the city gatehouse of He'shabha, a bustling port trade city full of every kind and variety of race imaginable, but none of these seemed familiar to you and every so often, even the Common tongue escapes your comprehension as your spirits feel like they are not quite settled into their new home yet. But as time goes on the babble of the crowd becomes more and more clear, and you oddly feel like this plane is where you belong, even though most have never been here before.
The slavers bring you to an auction in the morning before a courthouse. You were advertised as by far the most accomplished of the individual talent available for sale there. The caravan master told you to be ready not to be purchased, but in a surprise move a well-dressed tabaxi with golden fur and violet eyes wearing very fine serving garb with a long royal blue sash over one shoulder made surprise bids at the end of each of your auctions and snapped you up for bargain rates, leaving both the Auctioneer and your caravan master quite upset.
You all were collected by the Tabaxi and loaded onto the back of an open wagon pulled by two ornery camels. The tabaxi had seven Leonin guards in breastplate carrying large scimitars and weighted nets for weapons. One of the leonin walked alongside the front of the wagon where the Tabaxi sat, his uniform notable because his silken belt was also royal blue to match the color of the sash on the Tabaxi. They conferred speaking a language that defied easy translation, and carted you up the road leading toward the heights on the southeastern side of the giant palace complex of white and red marble that perches centrally overlooking the city.
Once the wagon turned the corner and the courthouse with its auction block was no longer visible, the tabaxi ordered the wagon to stop and clambers nimbly into the back wagon bed with you as the leonin guard frowns and says, "You're certain?" The tabaxi nods and smiles and looks directly at Pietr, then at Rhys, and finally back to Pietr again. "Certain. Never fear, Lyesh, I will assume full responsibility if I am wrong. But I'm not wrong, and you know it."
Lyesh shakes his head and his golden mane shakes out, and then shrugs and motions for the guards to be vigilant. They make no move nor seem any more invested in what's going on than they already were, as the Tabaxi pulls out a small key carved out of a blue-tinged clear crystal.
"Greetings, and welcome to the household of Ummo Meksu, the noble Purr'tan who has just bought your services. Or your freedom." The tabaxi speaks a command word and the crystal key glows, and at once all of the manacles and bonds restraining you open and they fall to the floor of the wagon, inert. You can once more access your professional skills, and you have access to cantrips and any innate spellcasting abilities you have.
The tabaxi grins and nods to Lyesh, who hands him three wineskins. The Leonin drinks a swig from each before handing them to the tabaxi, who also drinks a swig, before handing them to the party. "Wine from the mioli fruit. It is our Ffelyani equivalent of your bread and salt customs. Well. I say 'your' because I assume from your appearance that you are from Tysdia, but ... it is a gesture of trust extended freely to you."
"My name is Jokku nrr'Ummo. I am the Majordomo of House Ummo here in He'shabha. I am second only to the word of the Master of the House in terms of disposition of the household staff and servants." He touches the sash with one hand and points to the belt that Lyesh is wearing. "These color sashes and belts are a mark that we are Bonded to the House. Sold into slavery as you have just been, yet Bondsmen are loyal and trusted advisors and given the right to wear weapons in the presence of the Blood of the Empire. We were no more than slaves, and now are more than free vassals could hope to become. In this, the Ffelyani society is different from your own, yes? I say this so you take no offense to your humble beginnings, and because I'm afraid that before I explain much more to you, I must offer you a choice.
"You see, the Purr'tan's family is bound by more than just his position as the leader of one of the Great Houses of Qidyria, though members of his tier at court dance a delicate step for the good of the realms. House Ummo has achieved greatness due in part to a compact sworn with an ancient power, a Patron we are beholden to -- Blooded, Bonded, and Beholden alike. This Patron insists that none enter service, even as a Beholden, without it being of their own free will and accord. Those coerced cannot be trusted, and just as every Great House has Great Secrets, House Ummo cannot and will not expose its underbelly to betrayal by accepting service from those compelled.
"And so I offer you The Choice. We will bring you back to the Villa today and give you clothing, what remains of your equipment, food, shelter, safety, and space to deliberate as you continue to adjust to your strange circumstances. Tomorrow at noon you will be asked to make The Choice, to come willingly into House Ummo as one of the Beholden at first, and then to prove your worth to the Purr'tan, serving him as one of his Questing Bands of Henchmen, being directed about his business as he sees fit.
"If not, you will be given 100 silver each and allowed to keep the clothing you have been given, and given directions to a local Inn where accomodations will be paid for you for one month, food and lodging, so you might find your way and lead a virtuous life in He'shabha as Kismet wills for you.
"Now, I shall say no more, even though there is much that I could say. Make no mistake, I have been Bondsman to the Purr'tan for years now, and I enjoy my Master's complete faith in the arrangement and disposal of his household staff and servants. It is the Purr'tan Ummo Meksu's will that you be given The Choice. It is my decision that you take a leap of faith when you make it, for such is the leap of faith we will be making in such as you... who come to us with great accomplishments already.
"While you are technically free, the city of He'shabha can be dangerous for those who have no knowledge of our ways." At this, Lyesh gives a snort of agreement and rolls his eyes looking pointedly at Espy. "But," Jokku continues, "If you will please consider yourselves prisoners of custom and not imprisoned by restraint, we would have you enjoy the hospitality of House Ummo while you recover your presence of mind, your spells, and you rest fully. Privacy will be given to you, and tomorrow you may make the Choice."
Without waiting for assent, Jokku clambers back over the wagon's front to sit next to the tabaxi drover, and the wagon begins its ascent to the heights where the rich and ornate domiciles are located. Three wineskins of Miolifruit wine are left in your hands, and aside from making certain that you don't jump down or run off, none of the felinoids around you pay you any further heed.
Assuming you don't try to make a break for it, the wagon will enter under an archway into a cobblestone courtyard ringed on three sides with residential buildings with balconies and open-air hallways where servants and other blue-sashed or -belted felines move about, laughing and chatting. Formal gardens with a lovely tiered fountain form the south side of the courtyard, and behind that rise five stories of formal villa complete with stained glass windows showing scenes from battles with human knights in full plate armor (most unsuitable for the weather and humidity in the tropics) who apparently are vanquishing an ancient Black Wyrm.
You will be given quarters on the western side of the servant housing, and Mionnim attendants will bring you a spread of food, water, and wine as you desire, leaving you to spend time in either your rooms, or the gardens, or the courtyard. Lyesh posts two leonin guards for you as well, but they set up to either side of wherever you congregate and settle into stoic silent observation.

After getting dressed in noble’s clothing and eating some of the food brought by servants, Pietr gathered the others into the courtyard. We made in-game introductions and discussed our potential futures. Then we gathered back Jokku for some questions. We learned of the levels of servitude and the houses serving the empire (serving an Empress). The heat became oppressive and we thanked Jokku and moved into Espy’s room.
As the heat of the day falls there is a strong wind that arises off of the sea that cuts through the humidity and brings a period of cool and dry with the twilight. The main doors of the Villa open up and out comes a small Mionnem Attendant with gray tuxedo fur wearing the attire of a monk with a quarterstaff adjusted for its Small size, with an elderly tabaxi woman dressed in noble clothing of purple and royal blue and black finery accompanying it, leaning on a walking stick. The old tabaxi crosses to where the party is gathered, and wanders into your midst.
Without introduction or excuse, with great stiffness, the woman finds a spot and settles herself onto it, right in the middle of the party. The Mionnem assists her as she groans against her age and says, "Lady Ummo Masaki" before stepping to her side and kneeling just behind her, but within reach, attending.
The old woman's fur is dusted with white, and what looks like once it was a sable coat has faded to grays and whites here and there, revealing stripes of black like a tiger. She has piercing blue eyes, and a commanding, sharp presence, even while being at ease in her own Villa.
She looks about the party when she is ready to, and her eyes linger on Rhys, but she speaks to Pietr.
"I understand that you all come from off world, and that you are here, yourselves in mind and personality, but changed from where you came? Sent to us by these so-called New Gods, yes? And with a purpose?"

I tried to answer. Apparently too wordy.
The old woman gestures and the kneeling monk says sharply, "Yes or no will do. You are in the presence of the matriarch of House Ummo. Speak when you are spoken to, answer what is asked, and wait until she is finished before you volunteer more... ONLY if you consider it worth her time and interest."
The noble gives a small sigh and says, "I'm afraid Kimko here is very protective of my time, you see, but her point is well considered. I am 93 years old, I don't have time to wait for long-winded answers, so please, a modicum of brevity might just see me alive by the end of this interview.

They then displayed a great wealth of knowledge of our histories. She questioned Umlilo’s motives.
"I am here to urge you to accept the Choice tomorrow. As Dowager Lady of House Ummo, I have spent my life raising my children to serve the Empire as well as the forces of Goodness. My grandson has been Purr'tan for many years since his father died in battle for the Empress against the forces of Tysdia here, may She live forever. He is in need of your services, though he may be too proud to ask. This place, for all that we have ruled these lands for a hundred years now, remains wild and untamed in the spaces between the cities, and quite expensive to hold and maintain.
"Being Purr'tan, my grandson has many duties, and has risen to prominence in the Suzerain Courts here in the Jewel of the South. While the Gateways to the Empire have been closed off these past ten years, we have weathered the shortages of creature comforts better than most Houses, and the local Houses resent us for our shrewd planning and economic stability. You are all accomplished in your trades and would give my son the ability to represent House Ummo where he cannot afford to go personally.
"So." She clears her throat. "Join our House, and I promise that if you serve my son faithfully you will not long be Beholden in this House. Not if *I* have anything to say about the matter." You all get the distinct impression from your short time with her that this is a woman who is still used to getting her way, one way or another, despite her advanced age.
An extremely comely, well-built tabaxi with luxurious short body fur the color of blackest midnight, with a golden chain connecting his pierced nostril and right earlobe comes over to the gathering.
Without missing a beat, Masaki continues speaking to the group saying, "Well, those certainly are interesting funeral customs. I'm not certain a flensed skull animated with illusions to capture scenes from my life would be exactly appropriate for us, since we are, after all, civilized peoples. But I could definitely see the merit of gems of illusion being arranged inside the mausoleum in the necropolis, projecting scenes of my life on certain days of remembrance."

The male tabaxi gives a laugh and rolls his eyes at the kneeling Mionnem. "Planning your funeral again, grandmother? I keep telling you, you will outlive us all. I apologize for interrupting, but Lady Azorza requests your presence in the nursery."
"Is something wrong?" Masaki asks, genuinely concerned.
The tabaxi shakes his head. "I think she just needs the reassurance of your company."
Masaki rises to her feet with some difficulty, aided by her grandson and the attendant, and says to her grandson with asperity, "Meksu went through great trouble to bring Sister Shonma here to comfort her grandchild. Really, such a fuss over a foolish young bride who has yet to produce a living heir. In my day she would have been set aside already for a more suitable and fertile mate."
"Oh. Well, thank you for the visit. You have all been most instructive in the funeral customs of your homelands. My, you outlanders do have the strangest of customs. I certainly hope you choose to stay. We have so much more to speak about."
The man grins. Once his grandmother is inside the doorway to the Villa proper, he turns and says, "Let me guess. She was trying to influence you to make the Choice and stay to serve House Ummo? You will forgive the subterfuge. You'll find that my brother and sisters both care far more for Tradition than I do, but my grandmother does love her little deceptions. I think it reminds her of her younger days running the espionage operations for the invasion of Tysdia for the Empress, may She live forever. If She's even still alive.
"My name is Ummo Kyo. Welcome to the household. It's not every day we take on new servants. Everyone will naturally be curious about you, especially with such fascinating stories as yours. Whatever you choose, I will be very interested to learn every detail of what it was like to meet the Gods."

We continued talking after that meeting and seemed to be leaning to accepting the choice. Rhys performed in the courtyard much to the delight of the staff. Then we slept.
The party is ushered into a side chamber with richly woven floor mats and small cushions to sit or kneel upon. A dais is raised three steps off of the floor and upon it are sumptuous cushions on which rests a tabaxi male with a powerful build, short sable fur, piercing blue eyes, a winged overmantle, and a circlet crown of platinum with glowing blue gems set within it. A small white long-furred Mionnem wearing spectacles sits to his immediate right on the same level of the dais, a scribe's desk in front of him and a small iron tea set within reach, tea cups set near to both the man on the dais and the scribe.
Jokku motions to five small cushions on the floor for you to kneel and bow to the floor alongside him. Jokku motions you to stay on the cushions, then steps forward to the right hand side of the man on the dais, and sits cross-legged on the floor facing you at three-quarters angle so he might see his Lord as well.

The Mionnem scribe clears his throat as this is happening and says, "My Lord Purr'tan, the Outlanders, as you have requested."
Jokku says, "Behold the Lord Ummo Meksu, Blood of the Empire, Purr'tan of the Fifth Province of Ffelyar, Imperial Ritual Master in the Suzerain Courts of the Imperial Consul of He'shabha, Jewel of the South, sworn Paladin of the Oath of the Imperial Crown, and Bound Defender of the Empress, may She live forever.
"My Lord, may I present to you Lord Pietr, Blood of Waterdeep of the Sword Coast of Toril, sworn Paladin of the Oath of the Crown of his Lands, and stranger to our Realm. I present as well his Bondsmen, Sir Rhys the Silver, Speaker of the Eloquenti, and Dame Espy, Daughter of Mischief and Trickster of the Arcane.
"Also presenting War Magi Umlillo of the Genasi, though not of the Genie Lords' Empire, Bondsman to the Overlord of the Diamond Throne of the Jewelled Cities and forerunner of the Civilizing Force of the New Order. And Scout Vedemis of the Outlander Wood Elves, Unbound by the Silaveren Compact of this world."
The Purr'tan gives a formal bow of welcome to Pietr, nods to the rest of the group, and then says, "You have been offered The Choice - swear allegiance and fealty to me and my House, to serve and obey the head of House Ummo for the rest of your lives, and in return you shall be freed from slavery and valued for your contribution to the success and welfare of House Ummo, its members, and its interests in the wider world. Or, you may go free from this day forward. How do you Choose? House Ummo, or the path of Free Folk?"

Pietr, Rhys, Espy, Vedemis and Umlilo all choose to join the House Ummo.
"I, Ummo Meksu, Lord of House Ummo, accept your service from this day henceforth and accept responsibility for your success and well-being just as you accept responsibility for mine."
"Now, however, I must put you to the test. Words are cheap, but actions are the true proof of your heart. You will be given a simple task to fulfill here in town, this very night. Report back in the morning, and we will settle the matter of your place proper within this household."
"Tonight, you will wait until the cover of darkness, make your way at low tide to the Silver Swan down on the docks, steal aboard the vessel, and locate my puzzle box. Once you have found it, secure the box for me, and return with it to the Villa.
"Discretion is the highest order here. You must take every effort not to be detected. It would be best if the puzzle box disappears completely from Captain Nyshala's inventory without her or her crew being aware at all, as this will turn her lies to me about having the box into truth, and I will be reunited with my personal property once more. No face will be lost on either side.

"The Swan has just put into port on Dock 4. Very likely the puzzle box will be held in the Captain's Quarters in the aft main deck where she spends most of her time. The puzzle box is approximately a foot wide, and half that in depth and height, and will feature the crest of a swimming silver swan in profile. The wood will be stained the blue of my house, and smell faintly of cedar oil.
The Silver Swan is the large galleon at the end of Dock 4, we were given time to plan and prepare.
You have been brought to the edge of He'shabha's buildings with the boardwalk and docks open before you. There are patrols of city guards in groups of four and five leonin or tabaxi mixed, and they don't seem to keep any kind of regular rotation or pattern, although they pass frequently enough that they make for effective security presence.
Dock 4 is a long wharf that ends in a three-masted deepwater gunship tied up with a gangplank at the very end of the wharf. Three decks are above the water level not counting the forecastle and the aftcastle wheelhouse. The gangplank is atop scaffolding of two stories next to a cargo crane to reach the Main Deck. The galleon's gun ports are closed in port, but the portholes in the aft cabins are open, and the decks are lit by watch lanterns. The crew seems to have been given leave for the night, but a small crew has been left behind to make ready for sailing on the morning tide. Her rigging is orderly, as are her decks from what you can tell, and there are bored tabaxi sailors (4) hanging around the scaffold and crane access to the gangplank, watching the half stretch of open wharf idly, but otherwise not looking too attentive, trusting they will see anyone approaching long before they need to be at attention.
The skill challenge went along like a see-saw. A few natural 1s threatened to derail us but we proceeded along the water surface under the docks. We disturbed some smuggling going on and the guards were alerted by a surprised yell. Espy and Rhys dimension doored into the Captain’s quarters and found the puzzle box in a chest. We made it back to the Manor detected but unseen, and were shortly followed thereafter by the Captain.
We were awarded our sashes and told we’d be leaving come the morning with the Captain to deal with a Blue Dragon that’s been harassing the shipping lanes.