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Sat 23rd Apr 2022 08:07

Session 7 - Preparations to Explore

by Lord Pietr Reborn

April 10, 2022
I arrived late.
All I missed was some shopping and Espy getting into the library.
Pietr gets his pegasus tack set up and started making.
We dine at the villa and are entertained by Ummo Kyo.
Next day Vedemis spoke with Ummo Masaki about the City of Glass which is a topic that has always bothered her, why was the curse so potent for such a not-important town.
Pietr spoke with Jokku about the house network and got an item that allows a sending once a week. We discussed the network of agents, whom are in most capitals with the exception of Tysdia and Silavere (at war). There are agents in the coastal free cities. Then spent the rest of the day learning the politics of the other nations.
The next day Pietr went drinking Kyo and wakes up on the roof of the Villa the next day less 60 gp.
Espy finds out about a Khalassian princess (Jianvieve Benoit Kh'alasse, the last Princess of Kh'alassia) with ties to a mask who Rhys finds out took out a book about the nexus tower. This further tied to rumours that Vedemis found of a potential portal in the City of Glass.
The book was called the Lady of the Tower. Espy has the following visions:
An older woman in her 80's dressed in simple adventuring garb, bedecked in jewels worth a sizeable fortune, sitting calmly with a book on her lap. The Lady of the Tower. The mask closed inside like a bookmark. The door to her chambers bursts open, and Leondrim guards arrest her.
A flash forward to the non-male members of the Royal Family, weeping and protesting, being shoved inside a circular stone room inside one of the towers together, the old woman with the book touches the mask and channels for a moment, and a spectral double of herself appears in the room, and walks over to the others to provide comfort. The actual old woman puts the mask on, and fades completely from view.
The door opens once more and Ffelyani Evokers enter the room, and the invisible old woman slips out while her double remains inside. The evokers shape their spells to exclude each other, and unleash a torrent of Fireballs on the room, as the masked and invisible old lady slips away down the stairs.
One last vision, Princess Jianvieve dressed as a commoner, on a ship heading east from He'shabha in flames. She removes the mask from the book, raises it and waves it as though in farewell to the city, and a breeze snatches it out of her hand, and carries the mask back to the city, while the Princess gives a smile, looks through the vision directly into Espy's eyes, and gives a wink, before fading from view.
When the visions fade, the mask moves in Espy's hand, winks at her, then goes limp.

The next day, we learn at the library the princess is from Tysdia, Veylpasha Keep.
Knowledge about the book is that it was written by a halfling noble about fairy tales written during her time in the nexus tower.
Some politics occur between House Alvar and House Ummo with Bespia now succeeding as Lady of the house Alvar and marrying Ummo Kyo. Gomke is now the navigator of the Silver Swan and House Alvar gets a 30% cut of the earnings.
The next day we cast legend lore on the princess.
Princess Jianvieve was the Princess who was not a Princess.
Daughter of Mask, she stole her own identity, killing the woman who had been the Princess before her.
She stole the immortality of an elf through her Father's devices.
She lives now, but can never be found.
She is a Vampire Lord who stole Immunity to the Sun
And she knows you have asked of her.
She stole the Seed of the Tower from the City of Glass, and sold the City of He'shabha to the Invading Ffelyani.
Daughter of Chaos, seek her not, or on your own heads be your doom.
Then we cast legend lore on the book.
The Lady of the Tower was a book written by Dame Adaire, halfling sorceress who took possession of the legendary Nexus Tower where last it was raised.
She was from a place called Tol Vehara.
Her party used the Tower for Good, not knowing that the Tower was capable of War.
The Book contains secrets few can see, let alone understand.
There are only six copies known to exist... one for each plane linked by the Cubic Gate -- the Seed of the Tower.
The Lady of the Tower has been split into three parts. One to the far south amid the mango groves, One to the far north, in frozen Esh. And one to the top of High Demedras.
While out brokering prices for cargo, we see a group: an half-elf arcanist, human fighter type, human female bard in fur trimmed boots, humanoid rabbit in camo vestments. They are of the flagship trading company flying the flag of Tysdia.