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January 9, 869

Menage à (Mino)trois

by Aeldred Ulfwine

We have ventured into Deerstock which seemingly has become a shanty town over the last 30 years. Upon our arrival we were met with the stench of settled life and debauchery, so unlike certain Minotaur events back home. There is currently a "Festival of Merit" where individuals and teams compete in 7 events or so to earn the right of town leadership. We have decided to join the festivities. While the library is obviously important, if they are in the future, everything that will happen to them, has happened and thus we have time for some fun. Antwan stole a ticket from a drunkard.
We found a pub to gather more information. While the talkers of the group investigated the festival me and the lads arm wrestled. Sadly, I lost. Some fancy fellow was blowing wind regarding his hope for winning the festival. His odds seemed poor. His name was Terry I think. I signed up for an eating event, a swimming event, and planning on a harvesting event, a turtle event, and a riddle event. Cheating is not-advised but allowed if you are not caught. We did the eating challenge. Sadly, I lost. For the swimming event I may either summon some crocodilians to harass fellow competitors, or turn into one myself for an advantage. For the harvesting event I am partnered with Amos who seems to think I do not like him but if anything I am at minimum indifferent to him as I have not known him long. He has chosen to enter the swimming contest even though he has frail arms and legs. I hope the best for him. We shall see how the other events unfold throughout the week.