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Wed 9th Feb 2022 05:41

The Mad King's Sign

by Aveanly Galanodel

Ever since my pact I've been having night terrors on and off. They seem to happen if I don't mark his symbol somewhere. I tried marking all my things but that doesn't seem to work. I think he wants other people to see it. Maybe that's his purpose with this. I'll keep doing it. I resent it, but I don't think he cares as long as I do it. I wrote it in the back of the bibliography of a library book today. Dad would be super ashamed of me, but I didn't cover any writing so it isn't too rude.
I'll write more when I've done some research. I need to determine his motives. That's if I even can.

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  1. The Mad King's Sign
  2. The Wanderer