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Aveanly Galanodel

Aveanly is generally quiet and easy going. Her silence and calm nature make her easy to get along with. Her willingness to let others talk at length without saying much herself compliments this too.

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Sat 25th Jun 2022 12:43

The Wanderer

by Aveanly Galanodel

((A set of notes detailing all the information Aveanly has been able to gather about The Wanderer))
From a compendium of powerful Fae from Arcanum U. Library: (read while sneaking in to the library with the help of The Hell Chickens and some drunk freshies)
The Wanderer: No one has as many favors owed to them as this Fey entity. For they wander all the planes making deals. They are said to be more true to the spirit of the deal then many other fey and rarely try to twist or trick. This has lead to them being one of the most sought out of fey by those who are not fey . They are known as a collector, what exactly they collect other than favors is ... unclear. It is roumord they just like stuff and not any one thing in particular. As long as it has true value to you they might be willing to trade for it. Those who have tried to trade for something that holds little to no personal value to them have often never been seen or heard from again.
From a collection of tales from an antiquarian bookshop: (bought for 500gp after winning the grand melee)
Can open up portals in the planescape and their favors collected stem from others wanting to use this power
Likes to collect favors from beings and also trades for prized and precious posessions
No physical description of The Wanderer in any of the stories
Most commonly encountered on crossroads in the middle of nowhere.

Aveanly's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. The Mad King's Sign
    09 Feb 2022 05:41:44
  2. The Wanderer
    25 Jun 2022 12:43:37

The major events and journals in Aveanly's history, from the beginning to today.

The Wanderer

((A set of notes detailing all the information Aveanly has been able to gather about The Wanderer)) From a compendium of powerful Fae from Arcanum U. Library: (read while sneaking in to the library with the help of The Hell Chickens and some drunk f...

12:43 am - 25.06.2022

Today's paper was interesting, at least in light of the message I got last night. I'm unsure what this could be about, but I can't wait to find out. At best it's interesting, at worst things are being overblown and again there's no real danger. Either way it sounds like it might pay, which would be good. Also running low on oolong.

07:02 pm - 18.02.2022

The Mad King's Sign

Ever since my pact I've been having night terrors on and off. They seem to happen if I don't mark his symbol somewhere. I tried marking all my things but that doesn't seem to work. I think he wants other people to see it. Maybe that's his purpose with thi...

05:41 pm - 09.02.2022 Aveanly's Playlist

09:58 pm - 30.01.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Aveanly.

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Other Characters by Allixia