Sun 25th Mar 2018 07:20

Note to self: Librarians suck

by Arayne

We met a strange band of people today. I was summoned without foreknowledge of what to expect, and found it very strange indeed. The Archmage is a wise woman, but the party she has brought together is bound to be trouble. A High Elf musician - she is unusually tall, I will note, and I mostly like her, though she seems to think humans are some sort of exotic pet; a rather annoying Triton with a long pedigree I can't find myself caring enough to recite; a human roughian I sincerely worry will rob me, and my companion Tarman, who though we arrived together, I find myself realising I don't know much about.
We had barely been in the Archmage's court for half an hour before we were rushing off to a library (note to self: librarians suck, must acquire a spell to replace this particular library with a forest), and then traversing a muddy sewer. All for some book.

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