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Sun 14th May 2023 03:57

Unexpected Battle

by Aislin Mac Gearailt

BSo far it has been a very strange day and I have to say that some of it is a bit fuzzy as I’m very tired from a battle that took place. I was sitting in the marketplace this morning and nothing seemed out of place to me, Jack was playing with the new sign that I traded with the woodworker that has a stall in the Marketplace as well that says, “Tattoos: Magic and Mundane” when he suddenly went “still,” is the best way I can describe it when all of his senses seem to be on alert. He told me to start packing up now and because I knew that Cerviel was taking a class at the center of the Marketplace, I messaged her to start to pack up as well, that Jack had noticed something, so we both started to put things into our bags and get ready to go when a loud noise went off and screaming that had started before the bang started to go through the Marketplace as fire broke out near where Cerviel was!! Unfortunately, I think because this was the first battle since Jack was killed and because Cerviel was in danger, I started slipping very quickly back to my little self—she does know that Cerviel isn’t our mother but I think she still feels strongly about her and likes her and feels safe around her, just my guess I suppose. She ran straight towards Cerviel then used our magic to literally pull her towards us, she even tried to pull a young man that seemed to have been injured but he shrugged it off—I can’t say I blame him as it must have been a strange sight and feeling!
Cervial seemed to be rather nervous about everything, not surprising, I can’t imagine she has seen too much of fighting, I will have to check and see how she is doing, but despite her feeling nervous, she really stood strong, using her magic to bolster up everyone around her and she even picked up a rock and flung it at one of the creatures! Briros ([Spirits]( used to always tell me to use the way I am not tethered in time or space to throw others off if I ever get into a fight, little me seemed to remember that and threw one of the creatures backwards in time, he didn’t handle it very well and couldn’t seem to function well with the time flux. It is hard to understand the way that people experience time and space, I felt it, maybe, a little bit in those years with Jack, was rooted more into this world and while I still slipped through time, it was more easily controlled. But I still don’t really understand, maybe it’s like trying to explain color to blind person, it seems a little frightening to think of being so rooted at the same time that it might be a relief. Regardless, when she did that, the kick back was definitely there and I’m feeling weak. We are waiting for some of the strangers to come from the bathhouse while I am writing this, maybe we can get something to eat.
So yes, we met some strangers today, “met” is not really the best way I can put it as it seems more that we were thrown into the same sphere of time, this always fascinates me when you see all of these convergences of time coalesce into a moment that binds people irrevocably in that moment. The weapon fires, Cerviel is frightened and fire breaks out, I see it, little me slips out and runs towards her, yanking her to us, Cerviel uses her magic, gaining the further attention of the creatures, fighting breaks out on the creatures from other people and in that moment all of these lines in time converge together. Afterwards, questions and the need for answers continues to bind us but I don’t remember that too strongly, Jack was very upset and wanted to be very clear why these people had attacked the students in the street, and whether they were aiming at Cerviel. He has grown fond of her, he appreciates, I think, her kindnesses to me and that she has grace for little me, I think he has some trust for her and did not like her walking up to these strangers exposing herself to further danger. I was tired from manipulating time and so he came fully out to find out some answers, we won’t see him again until I can get some sleep. By the time we had gotten where Cerviel was leading us, I at least was back to my current self, I’m going to stop writing now and make sure she is okay.
Oh, about the strangers, there is a funny little gnome who was talking to a puppet on his hand, I think he was an Alchemist like Ronuh ([Spirits]( as I recognized an elixir that he threw at a lovely… and quite passionate, red haired woman, I think she said her name was Luxanna, his name was Valrick, though he said some other kind of a name before that one. The two at the center of everything were a young man named Alyn and a…. little me thinks he is a little dragon but I don’t think that is what he is… I didn’t catch his name if he said it to Jack, he said that they were trying to get ahold of the people who they were fighting because they worked for an evil dragon named Tyranx, hopefully we will get more information once everyone meets up. Jack isn’t here now, but what I gather he cares about is finding out whether or not these creatures that were killed were trying to attack Cerviel as one of them got away, little me saw it run off across the Marketplace square.egin writing your story here...

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  1. A New Friend
  2. Unexpected Battle
  3. Figuring Things Out