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Sun 4th Jun 2023 01:06

To my Nikki, Zarash'ak

by Zaviyar Kah'tallaal

To my dearest Nikki! We have arrived in Zarash'ak with no other issues on the water. This town is amazing. When I was younger my mother always spoke of this town and the marshes. I never realized there could be complete town's built on water. Once arriving we traveled to the Gate Keeper home which we received as much help as we could gather. It did give Tails and fluffy a chance to play as around this place was trees and wildlife thanks to the druids. I have warned them the prophecies are coming true and we need to stop it. My current goal is just to beat this evil to my sister.
Anyways back to Zarash'ak wow. I wish you where here it is quite amazing and very bustling like your town but with very little land around. No book stores here though which was a little disappointing, but the center of town was amazing and was where all the trade happens. When we where going through town to find the gentleman my mom was friends with and said could be trusted Sir Gareth was pick pocketed by a little thief of a kid. Luckily I caught him and got him money back. This trip is breaking us all though and we are low on gold. Hopefully one of these battles we keep running into will produce some income. It would have been nice to have more while here to buy some of the awesome goods they have here.
We do know who we need to speak to here and are awaiting his arrival back from the mines. Hopefully this will lead us closer to the end.
Every night when I go to sleep I only can fall asleep thinking of you and look forward to coming back and starring in your beautiful eyes.
I will write again hopefully soon. With these letters is a gift for you. I thought you may like these.
With great love!
Zaviyar the Gate Keeper and Watcher of the Glen.