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Wed 19th Apr 2023 01:32

To my light at the end of the tunnel

by Zaviyar Kah'tallaal

To my dearest Niki!
I have not stopped thinking about you since we left. It was so great getting to know you and I can not wait to continue our conversations. Since you want to see more of the world I decided I would start writing to you about this crazy adventure I am on. If I repeat anything I have already told you, I am sorry, as I don't really remember all I was blabbering out, as I was too busy starring into your enchanting eyes.
It is so crazy to think one day I was in our little Glen and next I was fighting to keep my grandmother from being pulled into the portal by the demons. Then off on a journey to fight yet more crazy creatures, see the stars from the observatory, fight 2 sided demon goblins, face the almighty witch Alibali baba (I will have my DM correct that spelling as I failed to write it down in my notes) and walked away, fought harpies and lived, and now we where attacked by filthy sea hags, these things are super ugly and mean, and killed 11 of the crew. I have never seen anything like it and the way they could scare people with just a stare. I can't but help to think that the Shadow Lady with a half face is behind some of this trying to slow me down. It does not matter though we will prevail as the the lives of who are left and the lives that are lost are dependent on our success!
The lively hood of all nations is at risk right now with the 3 trying to fulfil this prophecy. They will start with the forest and spread quickly. The prophies must be changed!
Through all of this I continue to look for the good in the world. When I traveled to the observatory to find my grandmother was taken also I was shown the stars. They where beyond breath taking, I hope to take you there one day you most definitely would love the library they have, anyways I never thought I would see something so beautiful yet powerful beyond looking through that glass, then I met you! You truly give me something to drive for and to look forward too. You are the light at the end of my tunnel! You are also my good!
Well the waves are getting choppy I will fill you in more when we get to land.
With the deepest of love and respect,
Zaviyar the Gatekeeper and Watcher of the Glen!