Sun 3rd Nov 2019 05:24

Session 6

by Zurk Suthek

Dragontial mountain run by orcs and dragonborn.
Odath bought Ron, the potted plant
Caring for ron:
Feeding ron: Eats meat/ flesh. No bone. drinks blood if no food. can eat insects. doesn't like it. No water. Sometimes likes urine. No crustaceans cause thorns. Things fed to him change his body structure.
storing ron
petting ron and ron enjoys
breeding ron
Do's do nots and under no circumstance do this: don't breed. light of full moon. feed own blood. or own body. Results in him eating you in sleep. no metal items. Don't feed plants. DO give love. feed 2x day. leave in sun. entertain at all times. NEVER take him back to his forest (Southern forest of Aldune) to grow him into his adult form. NEVER harm Ron intentionally. He cannot be killed.
Bartholomew, the wizard: wants to send something through the astral plane to transform it. Needs transmutation stones from creatures in nearby cave. We should lure them out with nuts (metal). Find shock crystals (bonus). 50gp for the transmutation stone. 1gp per crystal (must be roughly 8-12in.
Stat block of a boar but keep intelligence. Keep class abilities.
Insatiable desire to consume food. No matter what. Eat all food. Im hungry