Sun 15th Sep 2019 06:34

Session 3

by Zurk Suthek

charter to mainland leaves in 1 week and 5 days
Took a job to find 2 guards of a silk caravan
Found a journal: silk trader. 2 days ago. arrived at greymore. Heading to the Ishawa people to trade. Rumors of monsters in the forest -> hired 2 guards.
Found a goblin encampment and Allundir tied up there. Created a distraction and ran.
City guard and adventurer's guild team up to take on the greater goblin threat.
Mission to search the coast for the origin of the goblin threat. 15 gold for day 1 + 1 gold per goblin head (must have 2 ears per dead goblin)
Plump blossom needed for Allundir's arm.
HIstory of greater greymore book: local slave tribes. stone mined from interior of island. Aurelians took island from feudal leader. Old city (old greymore) lies beneath. Old greymore in the north where rich people live. Built a sewer system through the town of old greymore. Found 3 entrances to old greymore. Town hall, some guys house (rich), mortuary. Sketch map of old greymore and key points from current greymore. Lady at city hall desk claimed to not know of an entrance to old greymore and seemed to grow tense and suspicious of my questions.
HIstory of Port town of Greymore book: Greymore built when people landed here trying to get elsewhere. Fled tyrannical society. Built town on indigenous corpses. Population wiped by strange phenomenon (no other info given) all settlers were gone, but indigenous were still present. More settlers arrived and city remained same until the Aurelian crown showed up.
History of Hayward's Island: Sir Johnathan Francis Hayward. 501 BA he discovered this island on the way to the Canary Islands. Noted indigenous people calle Oshiwa (devil worshipers, knew location of rich materials). Slaughtered them. Never made it to center of island where the wealth was. Search parties were sent, but none returned.
Oshiwa: Devil worshipers or misunderstood tribalists book: Doctor Good Sir. met the Oshiwa. Spent a year with them. Oshiwa were here since the dawn of time. Believes they worship an unknown force. Contact wild tree spirits from portals. horned men. Not malicious, more like nature spirits. their sanctuary is in the center of the island. NO tresspassers. If they tresspass, the ancient one's wrath will be invoked. The secrets of what lie beneath the island lies with the Oshiwa.
A man had a heart attack in the town hall, I tried to save him with CPR, failed. Allundir walks in, I look up and say, "This man perished."
Settlers believe in a deity that gifted the island to them. Purged island people manifest destiny style.
Find a carving of the deity with words "to us this is owed"
Allundir had a vision. He starts rambling: The ancient ones lie beneath the island. Through the hole in the center of the island. The same spot where that star fell from the sky.
Found a room with a king on a sacrificial table. This area seems to be newer than the disappeard people. Maybe newer than the current greymore city.
Find a trapdoor in the king sacrifice room. Tried to open with crowbar, but didn't work.
Found bronze door leading to bank. Tried to open with crowbar, but didn't work.