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Sat 4th Feb 2023 03:06

Can't believe I got away with it

by Zannan

Got caught stealing some gold I found. This giant of a man caught me. I felt like I needed to change my shorts after his stare down. Somehow, I knew that giving back only a portion of what I took back would make him happy though, so threw a pittance of what I took down, and still came up on top. Greed won today. Think my brother is onto me again though. Gonna have to cool the hijinks for a little bit. Of course, what good is gold when the only place to spend it is so small I can cross the 'city' in 50 steps. At least the innkeepers daughters (and their mother) are all pretty easy on the eyes.

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  1. Can't believe I got away with it
  2. Snakes, Bats and Gnolls, Oh My