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Mon 13th Feb 2023 01:53

«4» A New Place to Call Home

by Tara Tu

I step foot into Sunhearth for the first time. It's too big for someone like me to explore all at once.
Someone's here. Who.
Witch... what was it again. "Witch Dancer?"
"How do you know my name?!"
"I... don't know."
"Whatever! Are you going house shopping?"
"House shopping?"
"Yeah! You're new to Eph right?"
"I suppose so."
"Come! I'll show you around-give you the whole tour."
Witch Dancer... He's a fox. Super fast. Kind. Energetic.
A little red house catches my eye. It's a bit further from the rest. Closer to the docks, further from the... energy. I need time and space to process, to remember.