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Mon 13th Feb 2023 01:52

«3» Journey to Ephyrae

by Tara Tu

"Al§r§n embodies all that is light and fair in the world."
❋ I hear footsteps outside my dorm room. Its her. She's back from her ancient literature class. "§§§§§! How was lit?" "Ugh... Boring as usual". "Hmm, why don't you tell me about §§§§§§§ then?" §§§§§§§, a sacred scripture belonging to my ancestors. One about reincarnation and the preservation of memories. Things I have yet to understand...
I keep reading. Ephyrae, candles, fire, The Ecclesia of Dawn, Alaran...
I need to find them. Whoever they are. They hold the answers I seek. I can feel it.
Virkhagen, I can stay no longer. The cold isn't for me. My heart longs to be warmed.
I am once again drawn like a magnet towards a something, somewhere, someone...
I paddle through oceans, climb snowly peaks, hike through forests for what feel like weeks. No... months.
In the distance, a silhouette of a city. Sunhearth, the castle of Ephyrae. The colorful homes line the sides of the mountain and the golden glow of the setting sun illuminate the streets. I haven't even met its people yet but I know this is home.
I've made it.