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Sun 19th Apr 2020 04:21

Farewell Valley Guard

by Jordan

Today started out as one of my proudest and happiest moments. Father lent me his bow to use for the Festival Archery Competition and I not only won my age group bracket but also the 2 age groups above mines. I had to live up to the family name and I could not disappoint my father after he gave me the honor of using his bow.
However, Valley Guard was attacked by insect like monsters, called Slyth, just after the merchants arrived and to my greatest shame I failed in defending my home. Not one of my arrows hit its mark. What good does it do to win a competition when I choke when it really matters? To make matters worse, it seems the Slyth were here for my friends and me. Our houses and our houses alone had been burned down by the monsters. Lady Nortel and Lord Sparrowsong, Emu Negu, arrived with the merchants and protected the town. They say that the monsters were after us and want us go with them to Destiny's Gate. If I can't protect the home I love as a warrior, then I can at least keep Valley Guard from being attacked. Malkin, D'Jym, Eadmund, Cromwell, Wes, and I agreed to leave our homes and family behind and journey with the Emu Negu. Why anyone would want us or at least me still doesn't make any sense. D'Jym seems to have some sort of power, he was wielding when fighting the Slyth. I'm just a horse girl and the Emu Negu are from legend.
I was lucky that I got to say farewell to my father at least. I'm not sure what I'll do without him to guide me when I think I need him most right now. The plan was to leave without telling anyone but he knows me too well and had a sense that I was sneaking out of town. Not only did we get to say our good byes but he provisioned our group for the journey and gave my Onyx as a riding partner. I'm sad to leave Blue behind; I'll miss you but you were not meant for this journey and will be much happier home with your grain bag.
As we left, I realized that I don't think I really know my father. There's more to him than I thought...
Now I not only have Father's bow but also his rucksack. I'll treasure both as reminders of his love and hope that I can live up to the privilege of their use.
I've always wanted to travel but not like this...

Continue reading...

  1. Letter to Parents
  2. Farewell Valley Guard
  3. Magic in the Night