Tanner’s Folley Red Manor by Nabith | World Anvil

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Sun 24th Nov 2019 04:26

Tanner’s Folley Red Manor

by Nabith Lemterek

Last night Glow’s spell made everyone go invisible, even though I’m a giant dragnborn with a shit load of armor. It worked for a while, except for Iltiari. My friends and I were able to investigate several rooms in the Red Castle, which was actually a manor. Then, a guard in one of the rooms in the manor tackled me to the ground. Luckily, he went temporarily unconscious and I was able to push him off and we could continue our journey. In addition, I got 500 gold out of this, so there’s that. I was hoping to find some books on dragnborns in the manor's library; there were some with a dragborn character or two, not really what I was looking for, but it’s okay—maybe next time.
~Nabith, the quiet, sometimes confused tank

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