Nabith Lemterek | World Anvil

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Nabith Lemterek
The Tank

Level 7 Dragonborn Paladin
/ 54 HP

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Sun 24th Nov 2019 04:26

Tanner’s Folley Red Manor

by Nabith Lemterek

Last night Glow’s spell made everyone go invisible, even though I’m a giant dragnborn with a shit load of armor. It worked for a while, except for Iltiari. My friends and I were able to investigate several rooms in the Red Castle, which was actually a manor. Then, a guard in one of the rooms in the manor tackled me to the ground. Luckily, he went temporarily unconscious and I was able to push him off and we could continue our journey. In addition, I got 500 gold out of this, so there’s that. I was hoping to find some books on dragnborns in the manor's library; there were some with a dragborn character or two, not really what I was looking for, but it’s okay—maybe next time.
~Nabith, the quiet, sometimes confused tank

The major events and journals in Nabith's history, from the beginning to today.

Tanner’s Folley Red Manor

Last night Glow’s spell made everyone go invisible, even though I’m a giant dragnborn with a shit load of armor. It worked for a while, except for Iltiari. My friends and I were able to investigate several rooms in the Red Castle, which was actually a...

04:26 am - 24.11.2019

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Nabith.

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