Æthelwulf & the Ancient Ruins by Dhok | World Anvil

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Wed 3rd Feb 2021 11:39

Æthelwulf & the Ancient Ruins

by Dhok Steambolt

Adventure #1. (8 days) Aethelwulf wandered to the settlement of Gorgonhorn, where he became aquatinted with Dhok, having little else to do Aethelwulf accompanied Dhok on his journey to see if an ancient ruin along the Mournlands border could be fortified. The duo spent many days following the borders of the Mournlands having a few light skirmishes with weak monstrosities.
As the duo traveled along one morning they heard an unusual scream from the Mournlands parting through the clouds of the Mournlands came a dwarf seeming as if it had been flung with great force. Landing and skidding across the ground stopping right in front of the duo, it was obvious that he was well and truly dead.
Finally, the party made it to the ruins and Dhok began his amateur exploration and excavation of the sight, it was a strong position and could be fortified. The duo delved deeper into the ruins when they came across a formless eldritch horror, struck with unimaginable fear the two wanted to turn and run but found the burden of lifting their feet too great. Dhok briefly for a moment snapped out of his state, closing his eyes, he dragged the mesmerized Aethelwulf from the clutches of the horror. The two split up the next day both having restless nights unsure of what they had witnessed.
Dhok heads back to Gorgonhorn to report back to Tagron his brother about the ruins and the horror that resides there before heading north away from the horrors.