The Meeting at Passage by Dhok | World Anvil

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Tue 16th Feb 2021 11:44

The Meeting at Passage

by Dhok Steambolt

I received a letter in the form of a paper bird, it said they are looking for adventurers and asked me to head to the Wayfinder Chateau in the Upper Terrace to meet which I assume would be Lord Boromar ir'Dayne.
Upon arriving I was surprised to see the four people I met along my travels in Eberron - a very welcome sight to see after my many ordeals around, a trustful bunch that I feel safe with.
Boromar told us about the Arcane Congress of Arcanix and how they are after any and all information about artifacts we come across in our travels. We were also told to head to a lesser forest amongst the plains near Mosswood to find the ruins of Rhuukan'shaarat (Crownblade) which used to hold an academy of elite troops.
We were told by Lord Boromar that upon completion of our quests we would be rewarded 100 platinum pieces for each task we finish.
We went to the Harbour and talked to the somewhat racist Harbourmaster who told us that there was a ship called the Galifreet that was leaving the next morning. We headed over and met the captain of the flame covered ship, Arxes is his name. He agreed to let us travel with him for a fee of 14gp per person.