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8th Cuersaar

Whispers to the Dark XIV

by Raphael

Thank you my Queen,
I interrogated Althia and concluded she was not a culprit in the plague wrought by her sisters, but perhaps an injured party too. Whilst her complacency to act against her sisters carries some weight, one which the wizard felt was significant, she has done some good works in the interests of the town. She referred to me in moment of anger as your ‘hitman’ rather than a sworn knight, but I do not hold it against her, she has lost much and I was perhaps too cold in my approach to extracting the necessary information. Following all that could be said, I have removed all references to her in Baritihia’s journal and that should be the end of that, though I am curious what part you wished me to play in all this? I assume you knew of Drynna’s plague and the role the Hags played, so have I performed this task as required?
As for my companions, you were right again, I feel the burden of my secrets lifted with them. The ‘Unbroken’, as we have taken to calling ourselves, have grown closer. They know my story and I know theirs. A few of them have more empathetic histories to mine than others; the drow has walked a lonely path and the sergeant holds a secret weapon that has been a focus of his years. The rogue has had some run-ins with the Clasp, and I am curious to know if we share any history there, as brief as it may be for me. The others are searching, for vengeance or answers, all things I can support where needed. I was curious to hear the cleric tell his story, one whose quiet nature was now seen to be an affected sadness for the mystery of his lost parents. The tabaxi and wizard have lived short but difficult lives and spoke of a Captain Drakkar who is the subject of their ire and whose location is unknown to them. I know I must manage my emotions, but I struggle to contain my anger for this individual who would steal and beat children, and would ask if you see fit to be directed to this person so I may end him.
The one who worries me still is the paladin, I have been unable to gauge her opinion of me or her intent moving forwards. We have no doubt worked well together in persuading others, and I have done my best to show her that our goals are aligned though methods not always. I could tell a shift in her disposition when she heard of my past, and my earliest memories. She is resolute in her beliefs and at times uncompromising, she did seem to take issue with my oath, as though hers were any different. Regardless, I have told the truth and my companions remain, and so again I thank you for your wisdom.
Lastly, the night of ascension is almost upon us and I will honour it as best as I can, with your blessing.
Your Knight

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  1. Whispers to the Dark I
    6th Quen'Pillar 835PD
  2. Whispers to the Dark II
    6th Quen'Pillar 835PD
  3. Whispers to the Dark III
    7th Quen'Pillar 835PD
  4. Whispers to the Dark IV
    7th Quen'Pillar 835PD
  5. Whispers to the Dark IV - Downtime
    21st Quen'Pillar 835PD
  6. Whispers to the Dark V
    22nd Quen'Pillar 835PD
  7. Whispers to the Dark VI
    23rd Quen’Pillar 835PD
  8. Whispers to the Dark VII
    24th Quen’Pillar 835PD
  9. Whispers to the Dark VIII/IX
    24th Quen'Pillar 835PD
  10. Whispers to the Dark X
    25th Quen'Pillar 835PD
  11. Whispers to the Dark XI
    25th Quen'Pillar 835PD
  12. Whispers to the Dark XII
    25th Quen'Pillar 835PD
  13. Whispers to the Dark XIII
    8th Cuersaar
  14. Origins
  15. Whispers to the Dark XIV
    8th Cuersaar
  16. Whispers to the Dark XV
    13th Cuersaar
  17. Whispers to the Blade I
    14th Cuersaar
  18. Whispers to the Dark XVI
    15th Cuersaar
  19. Whispers to the Dark XVII
    15th Cuersaar
  20. Whispers to the Dark XVIII
    27th Cuersaar
  21. Whispers to the Dark XIX
    28th Cuersaar
  22. Whispers to the Dark XX
    29th Cuersaar 835PD
  23. Whispers to the Dark XXI
    29th Cuersaar 835PD
  24. Whispers to the Dark XXII
    1st Duscar
  25. Whispers to the Blade II
  26. Whispers to the Dark XXIII
    12th Duscar
  27. Whispers to the Dark XXIV
    31st Duscar
  28. Whispers to the Dark XXV
    2nd Horsial
  29. Whispers to the Dark XXVI
  30. A Dream of Winter
  31. Whispers to the Dark XXVII
  32. Whispers to the Dark XXVIII
    29th Horsial
  33. Whispers to the Dark XXIX
    18th Misuthar
  34. Whispers to the Dark XXX