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It's no where to be seen

by Liam Twain

It's not here. Everything said it would be, but it isn't. And no one seems to know where it is. The guild thing. I was really hoping it would be a quick, show up, find one that could meet my needs, and go. Now, I am worried. The month has just begun, I know my quota, and I have no idea if I can meet it or not. Part of me wonders if it is worth it, but then I see the face of my siblings, of my friends, and know that I must press forward.
This huge Orc lady ran into me and then acted as if I assaulted her. I almost slid my mask on right then and there out of fear! The way she looked at me made me wish for nothing more than to run mack to Loth Dak'Ra, back into the fields of warm Moon Flowers. I think I kept my cool pretty well though. Thank goodness for anxiety that freezes me into place!
I think it was actually a good thing... the scary Orc lady, whom I have dubbed, "Drug Slayer" (She is trying to kill a drug lord, of which I have no doubt she will succeed). was traveling with a few other people who, as luck would have it, seem to be looking for the guild as well. They are quite different from the people I am used to traveling with, but it seems that a guild recruitment festival thing would attract some different kinds of people. For example, I have heard from several of their mouths that we make quite a colorful group. Almost all of us are wearing black or white. Though I suppose we have different highlights. But pretty much black or white...
There is one I would describe as VERY colorful in terms of both personal gear and personality. I can't remember her name, but her skin is bright pink! And her hair was purple. While the skin is a little offputting, her hair reminds me of the glow of freshly bloomed moon flowers. While they eventually become more of a blue, when they first bloom they are purple. They are full of life, their whole life in front of them, and they make sure you notice them, as they are different than the other moon flowers. I find this for her, to be extremely appropriate. It is because of this, that personally, I have decided to dub her "Rána", or in the common tongue, "A Wayword Moon" or "The Wandering Moon."
In terms of personality, I would say the other more colorful member is a man who wears half a shirt and no shoes. I can't remember his name either. As I have mentioned, he wears this strange, see-through shirt that does not even cover his whole chest. Just the arms, and his upper chest. It provides no covering really, no warmth, and truthfully has no design. I do have to admit, though I find it hard to accept, as I can see very little purpose to it, it does not look bad. It allows his toned muscles (of which I find myself mildly jealous) to be seen through the shirt, and his abs, which I am sure could crack a tree nut' shell, to be on full display. I would not be surprised if he was offered by many to share a bed. I do believe he mentioned he was from the sea... so from this I have decided to dub him "Airen Laupë" or in the common tongue, "Sea Shirt."
I haven't gotten o know really any of the other companions, so I will hold off on dubbing them until I have learned more of them. If I even have the chance. Hopefully, we can find the guild thing, and I will be on my way to new adventures. Although, I wouldn't mind sticking around with these people. They seem good enough. I just hope, for my sake, they are not wholly good.

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  1. It's no where to be seen
  2. Bloody Battle | Finally Arrived
    Vald'Liam Twaine
  3. Successful Rescue