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Mon 25th Jul 2022 05:06

Successful Rescue

by Liam Twain

Things turned out a little differently than I expected when I headed into the guild camp. I kind of thought I would look around with the people I have traveled with, and just kind of go with whatever the majority wanted. It doesn't matter a ton which I end up with, I just need a group that can meet my... unique yet simple requirement. Which from the sounds of it, nearly all do. But, as we visited the Spirit Guard camp, we learned that its leader had been kidnapped. Honestly, if someone who led an entire guild was overpowered and taken, my original thought was, wow that is really unfortunate, best of luck to them!
It seems the people I am with were not content with that. It was actually pretty inspiring to see them go to work. The second they heard about this kidnapping, they began asking for details, looking around, and to my absolute shock and surprise, they found clues! Some footprints and they got good info from the husband of the leader. I thought that if a trained guild could not find her, how in the world would a bunch of green, untested recruits figure it out? But before I knew it, we were following the footprints. It was actually really exciting to think of ways to fool the enemy into revealing themselves. I thought I wonder what they would do if they saw their target walking about. So I summoned an image of her to walk with us and looked out for anyone who looked surprised.
And to my absolute flabbergastary it worked! Someone indeed did look surprised, so I followed them. My goal here was just to follow, hopefully, find where she was hidden, and return to the group. Simpaváya came along with me, and before we knew it, we had found their camp! We were on a real adventure, and somehow it actually worked! I snuck up close to confirm that the leader was among them, and she was along with some jackle-looking things, and a large snake creature. Simpaváya somehow placed her voice within a little very cute cat and took off to find the group while I remained and kept watch.
It was a little frustrating just looking down and watching, she was so close, a quick sprint in and I could untie her and run away. But, I am no fool. If I ran in there alone, I would get torn apart. After just a half hour or so, Airen Laupë suddenly appeared above me. I guess that Simpaváya had successfully found them! She and her cat are very cool.
We were about to sneak back to the group when many of the jackals started running north. They must have made a distraction so Airen Laupë and I could sneak in and rescue the leader. I thought maybe there were overestimating our ability to go there together, but, that seemed to be the plan, so we went for it!
When my mask came off, all the Jackals were dead, as well as the weird snake lady thing. That was not, at all, my plan. I was hoping to jump in, untie and run. I didn't think we would have a chance in Hell to defeat that many opponents. My new companions really are pretty amazing! It really went much better than I could have imagined! Though I guess I kind of blinded Airen Laupë for an entire fight, which was not ideal. Sounds like he has an idea on how to see through my darkness though, which sounds amazing. I would love it if we could fight better together. I need to work on my memories. I do not like not being able to remember anything. The mask is to help me do what is hard, but that doesn't not mean I want those moments totally gone...
Anyways, seems like we are going to get a pretty great opportunity thanks to undertaking this mission. Basically, if we can find the source of these Jackals and take them out, we can do quests for all the guilds. That seems like a dream come true since we could all stick together and do different kinds of quests. Wow. Now we just need to succeed on this mission.
Also on a random note... if I am on a ship again, it is of the utmost importance to eat veggies and fruits, or else I can get sick or die. So remember, Vald'Liam, eat lots of those when on a ship!
My thoughts for the last day or so... is wow. It has really just been a whirlwind. Within a few days, I have killed 6 beings. It makes me feel sick, and yet grateful. It seems joining a guild really was the best way to accomplish my needs. But, it seems that it counted when killing Jackals. They seem less intelligent, almost like killing an animal with a little more intelligence. I think this is important learning. I really enjoy traveling with the people I am with. Many of them are talkative, enough so that I can kind of take a back seat and not feel pressured into talking. With that being said, they will chat with me at times, so I don't feel disliked, despite my mask. Really... I feel like I have found a group of just very accepting, kind people. I think that's good, while I am a carma effíriëva, I am hoping to only be used against those who deserve it.
Oh, on a final note, I think I finally discovered the name for our magical paladin man. Lónacala. He has a light he fights with, and yet there is a darkness there at times, even as he uses the light.
Finally, Lócëisca is not a name I am satisfied with... but as we are officially companions, it is the one I shall give for now. For my white Yuanti companion.
Hope all goes well!
Vald'Liam Train

Continue reading...

  1. It's no where to be seen
  2. Bloody Battle | Finally Arrived
    Vald'Liam Twaine
  3. Successful Rescue