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Mon 30th Aug 2021 06:07

Of Jugs, Shafts, Stags, and Mayo.

by Misty

I am not sure, but I do believe I missed a joke. But then they often go over my head. Eldon said something about mayonnaise when I examined the shaft and taught string of the longbow Bobby the proprietor of the Equipment Supply store was trying to sell. It was a decent enough bow and would fit my needs. Eldon was kind enough to settle the man down to a lower price as he also bought a book off the man.
Eldon went to another shop as I required arrows for my new bow, and for some strange reason the young woman reacted strangely when I asked about the shafts and if she had any mayo. I thought I understood the people of this town.
Finally, I went to find my new companions and there inside the oddities shop, Charlie had parked her new mechanical beast outside, once inside, it seemed there was some confusion over names and the value of a jug that obviously would be useful. Charlie though that for 22 gold, far less than what I bought my bow for, a jug that could magically produce clean water was not useful. Surely she had not been stuck at sea for weeks on end without clean water. I gladly paid the woman and got a gallon of yummy soy sauce for free. Who needs mayonnaise? Now, I only needed some seafood.
After this, we visited Mayor Emilia. I entered much humbler than the prior occasion. Julius was there, as we learned from Old Jim. He delivered the shipping manifest to the Mayor and was having a conversation with her. As he left I humbly asked him to apologize to Arthur. He was a tad confused and I didn't wish to clarify, but much to my horror, Wynbella boldly stepped in and said "It's a sex thing." He ran away embarrassed, the poor lad.
After our business with the Mayor concluded, thankfully with fewer mishaps, though I'm not sure what was in the cookies that Charlie consumed generously, we exited and was confronted by a large stag that stared us down. Wynbella seemed interested in it, especially after we noticed its wound. The wound bled, and yet left no trail despite its hooves leaving one. We chased it across the green and almost lost it in the fields when Eldon attacked it, Charlie hit it too and made it turn around. It bit her, deer don't do that and that solidified in my mind that was no ordinary dear and thus I let loose the first arrow from my new bow and hit it straight in the heart. It fell and upon a chance to investigate it, certainly it was undead but undead animals do not act like that did. Eldon went off to investigate further and Charlie followed. I stood in my own thoughts, but could not help overhearing Wynbella's soft mutterings. She almost was talking to herself, but... no it was definitely a two sided conversation, she answered someone. Velca?
I had little time to process this before Emilia stomped forward, stronger than I remember seeing her before and demanded we follow through on this investigation and backtrack where the deer came from and take the head of the abomination to the Duke. Suzaku save me, this was not the waves I had planned when I got off my boat.

Continue reading...

  1. Of Jugs, Shafts, Stags, and Mayo.
  2. What Misty IS
  3. Keeping Up Appearances