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Tue 19th Jan 2021 06:30

Session 9: To Be ~~Eliminated~~ Exteriminated

by The Rising Triumphant, Aggoneus Willowmuse

I was attacked by several hired thugs and assassins. It appears someone wants me to no longer compete in the Ring of Triumph. More than that. My long, winning record is making someone angry enough to apparently have me permanently laid to rest. The first attack came on my way home one evening. The next in the locker room of the arena, early the next morning, as I was donning my gear to begin my early morning practice routine. The fourth followed immediately as I chased a man down that had fled after hearing the results of his comrades in the locker room. A guard almost believed that I had murdered someone in cold-blood. He would have, too, had an assassin not struck at me from an unseen space while I was directly in front of, and conversing with, the guard... The guard aided in downing the assassin, then worked on getting me to a safe place while this all gets sorted out.
Discord Link: Aggoneus Session 9: Discord