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Tue 19th Jan 2021 06:27

Solo Session 8: Vaz'rig and Zes

by The Rising Triumphant, Aggoneus Willowmuse

Vaz'rig Maplemangle, a young and upcoming centaur fighter, much like me, attempted to skip ahead in the leagues by defeating me. It was a long, brutal fight, for Vaz'rig immediately challenged me after his first defeat. The final score of their two matches was Aggoneus 9, Vaz'rig 1.
Zes Springfighter, a female centaur warrior, was my next target. I placed the challenge stone at her feet after a few-day's recovery and we met in the Ring of Triumph. I won 4:0, but it was a hard fought victory.
Discord Link: Aggoneus Session 8: Discord