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Sun 26th Feb 2023 04:11

Summary Of Aeolos's life

by Postman Aeolos Rush

about 20 years ago, Aeolos lived in an old house titled "Rush Family house". Aeolos lived there with his 3 younger sisters, his mother, and on occasion his absent father. Aeolos looked up to his father but wished he could see him more. before his 11th birthday his mother got terribly ill, Aeolos thought it was just the ash from the ruined town harming his mother and figured she would be fine in a weeks time. Aeolos's mother seemingly got much worse, while his sisters aided their mother Aeolos would sit outside for the return of his father. He thought that maybe his father would know what to do. about 2 months later with no sign of the father, His mother had fully healed. Aeolos was finally taught how to fly and fly he did, Aeolos was able to outfly his mother almost immediately after learning to expand his wings. Aeolos treasured flying ever since. A month or so later and his father returned... but Aeolos saw something strange, his eye's were bloodshot, and his skin was moving in weird ways. nobody else seemed to notice but he knew something was wrong. Later that night he heard his parents yelling, so he crawled under his desk. The yelling progressed into screaming, until... it stopped, the night was silent. when he crawled out of that desk and saw what happened , he was never the same.
After the incident he felt empty, at night he could only see the faces of the ones he loved, gone. He lived in the ruins now, he wouldn't dare go back. One foggy day, A giant man emerged from the forest with big heavy armor, and took me to a tower on top of a ridge. He gave me food and water, and introduced himself and his brother. they were known as Rampart (the rescuer) and Ramsworth (the brother), they decided that I could stay with them for a while claiming that they "need some company". From there Aeolos was living his best life with new family, he had pretty much forgotten what had happened but still had much difficulty sleeping. A few years later the brothers received a letter and needed to go on a journey to a far land. Aeolos was upset but couldn't do anything to stop them. but only 2 days later they Ramsworth came back to the tower, with Rampart in his arms. The two buried him as tears covered their faces. Ramsworth in anger and despair fell on his head hard and got a heavy concussi0n loosing his memories.
Aeolos doing what he thought would be best for Ramsworth, he leaves him to some people living in the ruins. Aeolos soon leaves the tower to start his postal business in Ephyrae, to hopefully forget his past and move on. But a few months later he then has to move back to Aremore for business, and moves back into the tower.