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Mon 13th Feb 2023 03:57

Aeolos 1-7

by Postman Aeolos Rush

Entry 1
Mail ran to Ephyrae. Nothing there, like always
Talked to Ramsworth for a bit
Wasn’t really able to sleep, so I stared at the entry to the bedroom until morning.
Entry 2
Yet another slow business day. Just stayed in aremore all day.
Had a strange suspicious conversation with Rekker. I wonder what goes on in his mind
Entry 3
Got 2 hours of sleep!
Someone bought a bunch of packages! Finally got a good sale.
Didn’t really see anyone today so I stayed up staring at something I can’t get back again.
Entry 4
Had to set up new mail boxes for new residents. This place gets bigger by the minute.
Saw someone with a Crystal in their head. Wonder what that can do.
Entry 5
4 hours! That’s gotta be a personal record!
Ranger found the tower, I’m not really sure what to do. They’re such a good person. They just stumbled across the wrong thing.
He cannot find it
Entry 6
I had pretty on and off sleep last night, if I had to guess… maybe 30 minutes?
Ranger told me that they won’t tell anyone. I trust them
Entry 7
Typical day, talked to Ramsworth a bit. It’s hard to look at him the same, he’s barely the same person.
Some guy wanted to talk to me. He deceived me at the beginning of the conversation, he wants to know of my family… my biological family.
He saw my old house, and he read the book. He thinks I might be what killed them that night. It was my dad, not me.