16 Meloragift, 4520

16 Meloragift, 4520: Action around Whisperfield

by Dharra Boulderfoot

16 Meloragift, 4520: Action around Whisperfield
We check in on the Farlands - they are ok. Arkomir chats to the blacksmiths about upgrading his sword - he needs dweomatite to make it really fancy. We go up to the Farlands’ farm to check it out. The barn was searched, food taken. Blood smeared on the walls of the house. Lots of tracks, otherwise ok. We head Southeast, following the goblin tracks. Sleep in the forest for the night. I take a look at the sword Arkomir took from the hobgoblin. Written on the blade in goblin - “[Elf] Blood-Gargle”.

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  1. 14 Meloragift, 4520: Meeting Arkomir
    14 Meloragift, 4520
  2. 15 Meloragift, 4520: To Whisperfield
    15 Meloragift, 4520
  3. 16 Meloragift, 4520: Action around Whisperfield
    16 Meloragift, 4520
  4. 17 Meloragift, 4520: Owlbears!
    17 Meloragift, 4520
  5. 18 Meloragift, 4520: Arriving in Oxenhalt
    18 Meloragift, 4520
  6. 19 Meloragift, 4520: Arriving in Belhaim
    19 Meloragift, 4520