The first adventure out of the hometown by Torna | World Anvil

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Mon 25th May 2020 09:46

The first adventure out of the hometown

by Torna Flann

The first town where we arrived after leaving Hempholm was Suth-on-Spoke.
After a week of traveling i really could not wait for a warm soft bed, but it was still the middle of the day, so we decided to first experience the local dungeon "The Delve".
The first encounters were quite easy so i became overconfident and should have saved some spellslots, later on we came to the hard reality that we could possibly die.
The goblins and rats were there to drain our stamina and spells, so that the spiders could finish us off.
I became unconscious and barely woke up in time before the finishing blow was dealt.
My friend Volnir was not quite as lucky as he died...
But because of some magic he came back alive, unfortunately he became another creature.
I may have some doubts that he is not the real Volnir, but time will tell.

Continue reading...

  1. The first adventure out of the hometown
  2. The Goblin problem