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Horisal 25th, 810 P.D.

My First Spell

by Rain Winters

Dear Diary,
I’ve just learned how to cast my first bit of magic!! When I first… borrowed this scroll Misty told me trying to learn from it was a ‘fool's errand’ but I did it.
From what I was able to figure out from the scroll this spell is called ‘Fire Bolt’. Learning it at first was a bit scary and at first. I couldn’t control it but the more I practiced the better I got and now I can even help Bubba with lighting fires when it gets too cold.
I hope I can learn more cool like this soon,

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  1. My First Journal Entry >:)
    Bruessuran 11th, 809 P.D.
  2. My First Spell
    Horisal 25th, 810 P.D.
  3. I got caught.
    Brussendar 5th, 813 P.D.