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Brussendar 5th, 813 P.D.

I got caught.

by Rain Winters

Dear Diary,
They caught me. I should’ve listened to Bubba when he said that the guard would be more alert during Zenith but how could I miss the opportunity to pickpocket people who were too drunk to be aware of where they had left their coin?
This lady who called herself Doctor Robin Winters came to visit me today. She said that someone from the Soyltrice Academy saw how I fought and that they were offering to let me study there. She was nice enough and even gave me back my journal but I don’t trust her offer, not one bit. She told me to think about it and to let someone know when I decided.
I wish Bubba was here so that I could ask him what he thinks. I miss him, I miss everyone.
I hope I get to see them soon,

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  1. My First Journal Entry >:)
    Bruessuran 11th, 809 P.D.
  2. My First Spell
    Horisal 25th, 810 P.D.
  3. I got caught.
    Brussendar 5th, 813 P.D.